
Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by NitrousOxide »

Volleying has its place as a feature in Deathball, but as far as Im concerned, the rules governing it have always been excessive.

As things now stand in 1.6, you are able to volley the ball when it is 290 units away from you, if the last person to touch the ball was from your team. That is the equivalent to 4 walking steps, or approximately 2 running steps.
Put an object on the ground and then stand 4 metres away from it... How obsurd does it feel to be told you can launch that object with significant velocity from where you are standing, using your foot?

When a striker uses a volley shot, the keeper gets less time to react than if a primary fire button shot was taken, due to the absence of approximately 1 second of charge-up time.
Baring this is mind, why do volleys have at least 33% more velocity than a fully charged primary fire (which is not easy to save when aimed well, travelling at 30 m/s)?

Then there is the issue of offence having a larger volley radius than that of defence. While defenders have been improving their use of punting to get strikers away from an intended wallpass, strikers have been improving their agility in the air.
Version 1.6 was the first edition of Deathball that put all outfield players on an equal volley radius. It did not result in the elimination of volley goals, it merely gave defenders the opportunity to actively clear a dangerous ball, instead of hoping that they got their punt on a striker well timed.

I, probably like many other defenders, would have no complaints about the current volley rules if a workable offside rule was in place.

Being able to frag any striker in your own penalty zone is now a null ability for outfield players, as the real warzone is situated about 300 units outside the penaly box, where strikers are able to rain volley spam.

Its of no surprise to me that a tiny percentage of Deathball players want to specialise in being keepers or defenders, as they are fighting with arrows against nuclear missles...
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Post by DavidM »

you are the one who wants to set the volley radius to 125, right? :)
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Post by NitrousOxide »

I wanted to set keeper radius to 125 units :)
This would be comparable to a goalkeeper in football diving across their net full stretch, preventing the goal with their fingertips.

I proposed a volley radius of 150 for all other players, which will still result in the odd volley goal. Thats why I also proposed that only the keeper could frag anyone in the penalty zone, so that strikers could learn to make well times runs into space within the zone and score with primary fire.
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Post by Maegrim »

Thats why I also proposed that only the keeper could frag anyone in the penalty zone
are you mad?
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Post by Spawn »

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Post by Glark »

How obsurd does it feel to be told you can launch that object with significant velocity from where you are standing, using your foot?
Does my foot have a compressed air gun on it?
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

tbh Volleh goals are to easy to scrore, and are used to much. Had no complaints with any of the DB features with the exception of the lame vollehs, to much of an advantage to strikers and used to frequantley
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Post by SpikeBall »

theres a good side on this big radius:
people with high ping can volley too.
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Post by Cyph »

Glark wrote: Does my foot have a compressed air gun on it?
Was about to say that :)

Deathball is NOT reality, although some of it is based in it. They're not trying to create football. You have a GUN you can HIT the ball with.
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Post by fro »

welcome to "unreal" tournament 2003.

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Post by NitrousOxide »

Maegrim: Strikers are very rarely killed in the penalty zone when the opposition have the ball in a threatening position, as they are all waiting about 300 units outside the zone to volley. Experienced strikers will only go into the zone if a wallpass was underpowered, or when the defending team have intercepted the ball, so they 'accidentally' fall into the zone to be fragged by a tactically unaware defender.

Isnt it odd that experienced strikers find my opinion crazy eg. Cyph, who currently gets an easy ride in volley spamming the enemy goal? Strangely enough, the post by Gimic (an experienced keeper) is more in line my my view...

"Volleyradii: 290 for friendly ball (same as 1.5), 260 for enemy ball (was 290 in 1.5 but the result was a big spammage)."
Yes, you may recognise this quote from the 1.6 changelog. Im a little confused by this quote, as the current velocity rules for defensive volleys are no higher than offensive volleys, so how can defensive volley clearances be branded as spammage and be reduced? In version 1.5, we got the chance to send a rocket into the croud or the corner of the field, instead of watching rockets heading in the general direction of our goal from something like 80% of wallpasses.

Is it because all the Deathball players that Team Vortex regarded as friends all began a chorus of "OMFG! DavidM, with defence having equal volley radius status, us strikers arent pulling of a volley shot from 80% of wallpasses any more!!"?

Games like Deathball, CTF and BR become a lottery when everyone wants to become the hero point scorer. Why should I and fellow keepers/defenders bother staying back to watch the volley farse that we have such small odds of preventing?

Perhaps the current sprint rules will help counter this volley spam for now, but many strikers are already crying to DavidM about how defenders rarely have low sprint stamina levels. Dont be too shocked to find sprinting changed in the next release to counter this new aid to defending, while no change is made to volley radii :mad:
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Post by Surge »

The only thing that needs altering volley wise in 1.7 is the volleying powers. Opposite team volleying in their end needs to be reduced from 2000 (full power) to about 1400-1500. Its just to easy to send a ball into orbit or just a cheap volley goal from some spammy defender.
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Post by Arc^ »

Erhm you can barely make a succesful volley against a good defence..
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Post by Surge »

i can... many people can... its called teamwork, not some lame wall volley
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Post by Morning*Star »

NitrousOxide wrote: Isnt it odd that experienced strikers find my opinion crazy eg. Cyph, who currently gets an easy ride in volley spamming the enemy goal?

No it isn't, if an attacker makes a wall pass, a few defs and a few offs go up for it, the defender can just hit it anywhere and be safe. Whereas the attacker must wait for the ball to be infront of them aim the shot and hit it.

Basically the defence has 3 options: go for the ball, go for the player or try to block the shot. Yes volley shots are not easy to save as a keeper, but if an entire defence fails to do any of these then blame them not the volley radius.