I started notpron in january 2005. I registered here by march-april (i don't remember exactly) because i was really stuck on one level and i asked for help. I only used this forum to read the threads, but sometimes understand them was very difficult, so i tried to post. I'm Spanish, and I never wrote in English before, so that first post was really hard.
Since that first post, i've finished notpron (positives, negatives and greek ones... and found a lot of greek-temp-ends! :p ), i've finished other riddles and i've found a lot of friends here (hi Ollie!). I've sent a lot of PMs here and in other forums, and thanks to this, more or less, i can write fluently (with a lot of typos and hard to understand for you, sure!). I've improved a lot my English and many other skills, and now i have a
huge list of online translators
Don't leave. Notpron isn't unfair at all for non-english riddlers. You'll learn a lot, really!
Good luck! :p