tbh im not sure about this but i think i preferred defending when the charge sound wasnt there.... definatly more skill involved.
id really like to try a one off beta with it disabled, maybe if you make one up quickly and give it to me we can spend a few days playing england scrims with it to find out if it helps.
pbox camping isn t really a prob in 1 vs 1 , but when u r attacking and defense hear the charge sound , check and u see 2 or 3 are moving to line keeper , so u have to beat not 1 but 2 , 3 or 4 keeper , those additional keeper got no volley latency etc , so it s very hard to score sometimes (i m talking about peeps with very good skill , not noob )
removing sound ll give a advantage to offence but like some said, u play with teamate and it s not hard to charge a "fake shoot" and pass to a teamate to avoid those camper
The problem isnt Pbox camping. The problem is the charge sound.
Set it back to how it was in 1.4b. Nice and quite, but still hearable. Thats all we ask. I may be a good offensive player but even i can successfully Pbox camp and fair will 2v1 with the charge sound as it is now.
Anyways... Aside from the charge sound i also believe balencing the volley radiuses has nixxed the offensive players also. It always seems the O has to chage their play style for each new version. Addapting to vollies, boost moves, and other variations of old tried-and-true moves. We had to adapt to the shake, try and deke out the hammer happy Pbox campers, and to top it off, try and not get killed as more defenders crowd the box due to boosting.
On the other side of the spectrum defending has gotten easier and easier from patch to patch. The increased charge sound, the increased volley radius, free-jumping, and giving the keeper the ability to use the entire Pbox (which i still think is BS).
You want the scores low? Make playing defense take effort, dont just give them the game.
Before the boost move shooting was a lot like it. It was stopable by a person that knew how, it was sometimes savable by the keeper, and it was a very good tactic. The only difference now is the boost move eliminates the defender from the equation. The ball when shot (using pass shot) actually drifts BEHIND the shooter and he proveds a 100% screened shot. This is like shooting an invisable ball. I dont need to shoot an invisable ball to score, i just need to be able to shoot.
I play defence, and I dont really care if you keep or take out the charge up sound. If you do take out the sound, it will be hard for the keepers. So if you make it so the keepers are the only ones that can hear it, I think it would work.
seriously, this bind is just dumb, by the time the defense looks up and sees the bind the attacker will already have the shot off and probably would have scored seeing how the defender for a second was looking at a bind.
if you actually get this to work, then props to you, but against a good offense this will almost never work
i think the keeper should hear it, but as for the defender, i think that he should only be able to hear it if he's in range to hit him, aka not that big of a range