what to do when the season stops for radiok9? O_O suggestion

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Post by [1234]Jr »

Next league starts 1st July, i think
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Post by Dazlin »

i think they should have lots of comps and report on friendlys.... would be a godo chance to train up for the next leauge.. :)
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

We've still got 3 matches to play :P

You're welcome to come and lag the server some more :)
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Post by Cenotaph »

just kill RADIOk9
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

thnx ceno, lol :/

Post by DaJero »

Interviews from time to time so you could hear the team/all the clans speaking if that's possible. Rebroadcasting older matches that you think kicked ass.
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Post by L33FY »

Clanbase and scrims


Post by Panda »

Well theres always the talent competition

[spam]Send me a .wav or .mp3 of you doing your talent (has to be hearable obviously) to enter yourself in RadioK9's DeathBall Idol . Winner will get something, dunno what yet, already had 4 entries. Closing date for entries is....er....soon.[/spam]
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Post by -Camel- »

scrims are hard to commentate on because they happen whenever clans feel like playin. DBL matches are easy cos the date is set and we can see whos playin on each day.

Post by Panda »

Nah, we could do scrims easily, we've already done one or two
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Post by Rens2Sea »

dont forget TEZC-D vs TEZC-L tonight :D

Post by Panda »

Yes, I plan on asking Holy Surfing about that one as soon as I see him
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Post by Rens2Sea »

:D \o/
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

well whats kinda my plan is a best and worst, like me saying Oh no what a lame goal [With some classic background
] and the second after Panda sais WoooW i cant beleive he had that [ same lame music :P] that way we can do all the tops and downs of a match and make something nice of it..

Post by Panda »

I'm sure I would agree if I understood :confused: