Should we be proud?

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Should we be proud?

Post by J-Force »

becaurse KeX unfortunately left the league (i'm not either saying that kex or davidm was right) we became champs......

now is me question should we be proud to be champs??

i think we should be cuz we have proven to be strong team (not that am a big ego but i heard it now so often that i can assume that it is right)

but the only thing i hear so far is: you only won on boost goals. That is either true or very short sided (??? good english???) from those ppl.
IMO (just my opinion!!) it is short sided from those ppl since 1) we won the majority from our matches without ever hearing of the boost goal. 2) we won from that team anyway with or without boost goals. 3) it is allowed in the rules so why complain. 4) it is good defendable (if you dunno how ask DEUS, they kicked our butt 6-0 once (and yes we tried to make boost goals and if i remember corretly we only had 1 change out of that)).

besides of the boostgoals there are many other 'lame' methots of scoring (i like to refer to a post nameless made in the comments from the game cY.13 vs TEZL-L (hf looking)) every1 uses them, but i never ever see a clan get flamed for using them (maybe 13 could start use them more so you guys have another reason the abuse us (more)).

So far i don't see anything we did wrong so i think we should be proud, but strange i don't have the feeling yet cuz of 2 reasons: 1) noone congratuted me (expect Ceno and Xill, but i had to tell them (not directly personly) that i (we) had become champs (not saying i appricate the congratz less becaurse of that)). 2) we (13) prepared our selves well for the last 3 matches (3dg|rr, 1234, badct) and now with 2 matches to go it wasn't needed (become champs without playing).

so what is the meaning of this post:
1) a big f**k you to every1 who blames us all the time, i (we) are getting tired of it.
2) i want to expres my (our) feelings for once

what isn't the meaning of this post:
to get congratulated by every1, if ya can't do it spontanious then leave it out

note 1: this post is my opinion, even that i somethime refer to my team it is my opinion and i speak for my self and only for my self. official team reaction can be questioned by DavidM.
note 2: if ya see this as another opportunaty to flame me/us be my guest but don't expect a reaction for me (as can be read above why)
note 3: sry for not using smilys i'm not in the mood :confused:
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Post by Chrisfu »

You like brackets, dont you? Almost as much as I like commas. :D

Yeah, we can defend it; shame the solution to stopping boost goals is so negative and boring that we don't bother with it.

After all, Deathball is supposed to be a fun came, and neither pbox camping or boost goals are fun.
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Post by Cenotaph »

CONGRATZ J-F, and its the 4th time i congratulate u for winning DBL :D
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Post by DavidM »

"noone congratuted me"

luv yuo

I found it pretty unexciting in the end, it could have been a cool showdown since we were equal in points, and we only had a few more goals....but whatever
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Post by R3L!K »

No doubt cY is a good team and deserved to win. Congratulations.

Should you be proud?


But then thats just my opinion.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Well congrats to cY, but the season was declared void as soon as the boost goals started, sorry guys looks like every1 forgot to tell u =P

Will be good to see which clans improve with 1.7 and which ones start to stuggle =o

//Slightly Off Subject//
Still tho DM I do question ur logic at times, no offence. If I was writing a program at work and found that it had a bug in it, I would wait until some1 discovers, and quickly fix it ASAP. Or depending how bad it was I would notify ppl that it was there. Where are as u seem to have released a bug in DB1.6 and instead of keeping it quiet, u went and showed every1 just how sloppy the code is ;)

Maybe soon there will be an alternative to DBL???

Even tho I dont agree with some of the cY tactics, I still think you guys do well considering all the criticism you get =)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Oh, cy won? yay...

congrats :rolleyes:
you deserved it :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :mad:
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Post by Sequa »

Congrats cY :D
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Post by Samur »

congrats 13 !

doesn't metter, if you have won by "lame" boosting, which maybe is defendable (see also our game, which we've lost, but where our def kicked some 13's butt :) ), but which is really boooooooring.
you can be really proud of winning the league, then there are some really good teams up there, but not about how you've made it, especially the loss of the KEX-Teams and your way to make the goals makes ist a little bit bitterly...but in a few weaks nobody gonna ask for it HOW you made it, so who cares, congrats once again :)
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Post by Axl »

well done cY... be interesting to see how next season pans out with out boosting.. im pretty sure it will be much closer as there are a lot of teams in division 1 which are far better passers of the ball than cY.. Unless of course there is yet another "feature" within deathball that no one else knows about, which wont come out till cY start playing :p


Maybe there should be a fair play award like in the world cup etc... pretty sure thats 1 award wont be going to cY :D :D
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Post by R3L!K »

nice idea Axl.

Someone should make a poll.....
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Post by Chrisfu »

Congratulations, but next season should be proving who is the best. The divisions are balanced, the bugs and exploits should be ironed out. Let's keep it pure, exploitless Deathball, and may the best team win.
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Post by [1234]Jr »

Yeah, good for you for winning, wahoo.. ye .. super

But why you needed to abuse the boostgoal i dont know.

Before people found the boostgoal were teams drawing all the time? No

So why do you NEED to use it with the excuse "anything to win" when you were winning before you used it. It's madness.

Yes, you probably wudda won the DBL anyway, well, hard to say if boostgoals werent 'invented' it might have been closer, you never know.

cY are a good team and have good players, some are more annoyin that others and some arent.... Dont get me wrong when i slag off boostgoals as "bullshit" .. its not you guys, its the fact u use and abuse them that pisses me off...

Next season, assuming no1 finds another bs tactic that exploits, it shud be fun. I dont see why u cant just say "dont exploit bugs" as we dont wen sum1 gets a shootbug, u pass it back, so why exploit *this* bug :(

viva la 1.7?
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Post by Axl »

isnt that where the confusion happens.. cY dont class it as a bug, but a "tactic" :(
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Post by JollyRulez »

u are TEH champ..... congrats............... sad champ... IMO