After listening to a match report by Rage, which was done very well , every one was saying that cY.13 where lame for boost goal scoring this is where the player with the ball does a week shot in front of them and the second player boosts from behind, the first player catches the ball and is going as fast as a normal boost but with a ball. The first player then drops down just in front of the keeper and does a pass shot into one of the corners
Vote weather u think this tactic is lame or not
Last edited by Dazlin on 08-06-2003 18:57, edited 1 time in total.
maybe "soon" its too late, coz cY.13 are winnin the DBL due to their "oh so skilled" boost goals.
and dont say this is just a game to me, say it to THEM. coz it looks like they would die if them didnt win DBL
but congratz too them THEY CERTAINLY ROCK
( i can imagine the Counter-Strike creators using Hacks and aimbots :shifty: )
I saw the entire match as I spectated, and cy.13 was purely playing to win. Nothing wrong with that, although it got kinda lame after the 100th boost goal.
cy.13 is the official winner
3dg deserved it
Edit: I disagree that they should set an example. It's a clan like all the others. Don't threat it differently because DavidM and B@zzi are in it.