I don't get it

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by R3L!K »

unless DB gets ported to the next version of UT, we're screwed anyway
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Post by Chrisfu »

2K3 mods will work with 2K4.
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Post by R3L!K »

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Post by MelvinB »

I think it's just the gamers which are loose their interests in Deathball. I don't think it's caused by a feature that is missing or whatever.

I play Deathball mostly in the evening. Why? There are more loaded servers.

Look a this pic, today (8th of June 2003), at 14.54hour:


I wanna play Deathball, but the servers are fucking empty.

Evening=Deathball-time IMO.
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Post by DavidM »

the problem is that all people are looking for servers that are almost full
but nobody joins a server with 0 players
someone just needs to start it, and where there is only 1 person, join! it will be full in a few minutes
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Post by Onge »

the problem is that all people are looking for servers that are almost full
but nobody joins a server with 0 players
someone just needs to start it, and where there is only 1 person, join! it will be full in a few minutes
If only it were that simple! I've sat in empty servers for ages, oh hang on, maybe people don't join because I'm there! :(
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Post by The_One »

when i join an empty server it always fills up in no time :D
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Post by NitrousOxide »

Maybe you should incoporate a chat filter into DB that removes all the bitching that goes on in public servers, usually aimed at any player without a DBL tag in their nick.

Back in the days when I played regularly in pubs, I found that the 6v6 setup worked well, as you could organise teams into more solid formations and not rely on boosting to get players back to defend. Two players would tend to stay back in their half, while two stayed up front and a single midfielder helped out on both defensive and offensive duties.

Rather than being able to boost any team member, perhaps you could limit each game to one person per team being able to be boosted.
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Post by DavidM »

we got a antispam system at least
so all the scriptkids will BE shut up
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Post by Fruitcake »

well i have my own opinion on db versions and i can say that 1.4b was the most fun for me cos it actaully felt good if u were able to pull off a good volley and there was no pbox camping :rolleyes:
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Post by [V3]Sin »

^\o/^ what he said

Post by DaJero »

Pbox camping is not something DB introduced, it's something the people introduced. Think about that :)
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Post by DavidM »

but its up to db to remove it again if its something überlame

ppl will always find new tricks x_X
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Post by Onge »

Sometimes u need to defend deep, but delibrately camping all game in the pbox is lame...It can't be a big problem as there are plenty of goals in DB...
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Post by SuBBy »

I actually think that 1.6 is fine, other than the obvious things, such as: n00b cannon (xill cannon :p) boost goals (can be stopped :)) and the volley radius seems quite large, other than that i reckon it's perfect. Like David said, it's the people.