What are notpr0ners like?

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Post by ily »

Hello there. ^^ I thought this was the best place to introduce myself since I assume I`ll be hanging around these forums for a while. ;) My name is Ileana (but please call me ily); I`m 19 years old and studying IT&Computer Science at a university in Romania.

How would you describe your personality?
I see myself as a very complex person so this is pretty hard for me to explain. What got me playing was, of course, my curiosity. Also I`m terribly determined (well, stubborn sounds bad). For instance when I was around level 20 and I mentioned something to my boyfriend about the end of the game, he smiled and asked "What, you really think you`re going to finish it?". And then it hit me - it never once crossed my mind that I wouldn`t finish it. And I still don`t see that as very likely. :)

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Well, I love listening to music, hiking (especially camping trips), the internet, cycling etc.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
First of all relax. ^^ I love to travel and I especially like the mountains, though the seaside runs a close second. I also adore going to open-air music festivals.

Do you like to watch sports?
I see it`s a common feature for everyone to watch snooker (if any). Well, I for one am OBSESSED with snooker. xD (my favourites are Hendry and McCulloch) But only watching, my lame attempts at playing ended with a record break of -drum rolls- 7! Also I enjoy watching ice skating, curling, and soccer if one of my favourite teams is playing. I can`t stand most other sports though.

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
I`ve never been the type of person who could play Unreal or Warcraft for hours on end. When I`m bored I`ll mostly play some Yahoo! games or something of the sort. :)

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
I love to read, though I often have too little time. And I love most kinds, but especially horror (I love most of Serge Brussolo`s books) and SF. I will enjoy anything as long as it`s well-written though - from Oscar Wilde to Franz Kafka. My recent read that I recommend to all of you is JK Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces. (thanks, jooly!!)

What kind of movies do you like?
I like mostly dramas, comedies, and certain horror/SF ones (the genres are being ridiculed by most movies lately =/). I love just about everything that Tom Hanks or Jim Carrey have been in. (some examples are Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Truman Show).

What kind of music?
I am a huge fan of the indie genre. That means independent bands who aren`t signed into a big record label and thus have no restraints for writing/playing, and that makes you really feel that they`re pouring their hearts into their music. I love rock (the softer kind, mostly) and pop - it has to be music with a beat, that I can dance to. Some of my current favourites are Franz Ferdinand, The White Stripes, Kaiser Chiefs, We are Scientists, The Strokes, Gorillaz, The Cure, Talking Heads etc. Mostly stuff you would hear on MTV2 UK. :)

Well, that`s me.. I guess. Nice meeting you, folks! :D
Last edited by ily on 04-12-2005 23:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kisa »

Ileana is a beautiful name :)

Nice to meet you! :D
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Post by 1 2 3 4 »

Originally posted by ily

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
First of all relax. ^^ I love to travel and I especially like the mountains, though the seaside runs a close second. I also adore going to open-air music festivals.

Just curious, since we're neighbours (I'm from Belgrade, Serbia), did you go to EXIT festival in Novi Sad? :)
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Post by jooly »

JK Toole - A Confederation of Dunces.
Funny, that one's come up a couple of times. I ordered it off amazon after it was recommended by someone on here, and I thoroughly enjoyed it :) (btw, if you want to buy it, it's "a confederacy of dunces" ;) )
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Post by Gunslinger4887 »

Hello World. :lol: My name is Derek. Been playing notpron for about a week now and am stuck on lvl -15 (but in time i am sure ill solve it :p).

How would you describe your personality?
I am a kind of guy that evaluates a situation before acting, just like "think before you act." And with every situation I am in, I always evaluate the possible solutions. That is why I love notpron. Not only does it allow me to think, but I love how I won't leave a level without finishing it, but I won't leave a puzzle without first examining all the clues.

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I am currently working for a Bachelors in Computer Science. I just started college, so give me some time :). Other than that I enjoy the game Counter-Strike. I am also a whiz at Dance Dance Revolution

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
I like to travel to places I haven't been to or play video games.

Do you like to watch sports?
Only the important games. (i.e. superbowl, world series...)

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Computer because the graphics are so much better and I am more familiar with it. When I was younger, though, I enjoyed playing Super Smash Brothers a whole hell of a lot.

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
As you notice by my name, it is from a book series by Stephen King "The Dark Tower". I made this name before I read the series. It is a 7 book series, but I enjoyed every one. I have toned down on reading now that I have discovered notpron :)

What kind of movies do you like?
I enjoy mystery and action movies.

What kind of music?
I enjoy almost all kinds of music, except for rap/some hip hop. That stuff is just rhythmic talking. Whenever I play notpron, I put on Beethovens Symphony Pathetique. It gets me in the thinking mood.

Ok, now I am off to try and solve -15...
Last edited by Gunslinger4887 on 03-12-2005 17:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ily »

1 2 3 4 wrote: Just curious, since we're neighbours (I'm from Belgrade, Serbia), did you go to EXIT festival in Novi Sad? :)

Hello there! ^^ Unfortunately I never got a chance to go, I believe it was during my university admission exams this year. =/ Maybe you can PM me and tell me more about it, I`d definitely enjoy going if it sounds interesting. :)

jooly wrote: Funny, that one's come up a couple of times. I ordered it off amazon after it was recommended by someone on here, and I thoroughly enjoyed it :) (btw, if you want to buy it, it's "a confederacy of dunces" ;) )

I must admit I wasn`t patient enough to go through this whole thread. ^^; It was a very nice book indeed. And sorry about that mistake in the title, I`m off to correct it in case someone reads my post and goes off searching for it. >>;

Oh, and hi, Derek! :D Nice to meet you. Good luck with -15, I`d help but as you can see I`m way behind on the levels (or should I say ahead? xD). I`m sure you`ll have it in no time at all. ^^
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Post by Gunslinger4887 »

heh, im on -28 now ^^
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Post by cutelvh9 »

What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there?
> Im 16 yrs old, seems like most of you are a lot older...but its ok...we're all not proners...well I just started playing and loved it!!

How would you describe your personality?
>I would describe myself as outgoing most of the time...well actually a little shy at the beginnng but once u get to know me you'll see what im all about
This whole riddle thing comes natural to me...and i just recently discovered how good i am at them so then i found notpron and decided to go for it

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
>I hang out with friends, and when im at home, i love playing minesweeper, weird for a 16 yr old huh?? but i enjoy it a lot, i love listening to music and meeting new people......playing pump it up!!!

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
> ON vacation i love to travel, i live in the caribbean so there are lots of places to visit here

Do you like to watch sports?
>prefer to play them actually....

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
>just minesweeper

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
>love to read...hp books..and stuff like da vinvi code....angels and demons...etc

What kind of movies do you like?

What kind of music?
>oasis.radiohead.strokes.doors.n more....:p
Last edited by cutelvh9 on 02-01-2006 07:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are notpr0ners like?

Post by Futile »

So here's a little survey poll:

What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there?
How would you describe your personality?
nerdy and... nerdy :)

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
science and math, sci-fi, hiking when the weather's nice (beautiful country here). puns. i love puns.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
hang out with friends. notpron of course :) videogames

Do you like to watch sports? use to watch a lot of football. not much now.

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Starcraft owned me for a long time. Strategy games like AoK (god damn knight rushes) or C&C. Basically anything good, but the multiplayer teamwork ones keep me hooked.

Do you like to read? What kind of books? mostly papers and textbooks now. not much time too read other stuff...

What kind of movies do you like?
fun and silly ones.

What kind of music?
most of the songs i like are written by people who are sad. not sure what that says about me :|
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Post by Runa »

sorry for making thy theory worst. but I'm a notproner willing to get the end :D

here we go. I'm an italian student and "post heart transplant". This makes me more *dark* than what I liked to be. too much *dark*. right. and (I) stop now with this.

I love listening to metal, and actually I prefer symphonic and power metal instead of trash/grind etc. this means I love orchestral choirs concertos, and stuff like that. if you want the name of a couple of bands, my weblog could be useful: http://larunadelnord.splinder.com
I hate watching tv and listening to the radio, so I do that very rarely. I spend my time playing my keyboard and my stage piano, chatting with friends with messenger (:blabla: actually Runa hates messenger 'cause is his only way to get in touch with the world so far: is from october Runa is at home ill and obviously doens't enjoy the situation) and sometimes playing with RPG or SPG games. and notpron, of course ^^".
I read a bit, about 165 books since february 2002 (plus other books I red two-three times), and I like everything well written and with a good plot. so, Asimov, Lovecraft, Buzzati and Brooks are the writers I prefer. I know also Mann, Flaubert, Shakespeare etc, but nearly nothing gives me the beauty of the authors I named before.

well. this is part one. soon or later I will answer the other part of questions.
have a good day
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Post by benji »

How would you describe your personality?
I'm honest, very outgoing and reliable

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
doing my work(check it out =) --> http://www.designfirstaid.com), going to bars (to pick up girls... nah just joking =)

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
partying and smoking

Do you like to watch sports?

Do you like Video or Computer games?
not anymore (haven't got the time and lately i find them rather boring)

What kind of games?
used to be fps and rpg's

Do you like to read?

What kind of books?
mostly novels, Favorites: Nelson DeMille(Plum Island, Lions Game, Night Fall), Dan Brown(da vinci code, angles and demons)

What kind of movies do you like?
any... i paticulary like comdey series like scrubs, friends, joey and stuff like that my absolute favorite is cowboy bebop

What kind of music?
very wide range^^ all time favorites are wise guys(german a capella group),
wierd al yankovic and jamiroquai

so now you know a little bit about me
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Post by rhbgames »

Haven't posted much here, but I guess this is a good enough place to start. Especially when I saw ily's reference to "Confederacy of Dunces" which is a truly outstanding book. Ignatius J Reilly - now, would he play notpron or not? Hmmm....

How would you describe your personality?
A social nerd. When in computer science grad school, I was "cool but stupid" (relative to my peers), but in business school I "intelligent geek" - so I right in the middle between the geeks and the suits. Myers-Briggs = ENTJ. Social style = Amiable Driver. Ennegram = 3.

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Music. I listen all day and everyday. Thrilled with Yahoo Music Unlimited. Reading is another daily activity as is working out (cardio and weights) and then there is my family.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
I am one of the lamer vacationers around as I mostly like to get things done - which is usually the opposite of vacationing. But when there is time off, I enjoy going on trips with my family and doing things that the kids enjoy (the usual - Disneyland, amusement parks, etc.).

Do you like to watch sports?
I recently realized that I did the kids a disservice by never watching sports, so now I am trying to catch up. We will watch football (American), baseball, or basketball - whatever the kids are playing at the time.

Do you like Video or Computer games?
If I played them, I would be very into them, but other things are priorities. Besides, I can play notpron at work, whereas video games wouldn't really work.

What kind of games?
Used to be D&D/rpg games. Although I did play Civ III last year.

Do you like to read?
Every day.

What kind of books?
Everything - fiction and non-fiction. Last ten books: Freakonomics, History of Wine in America, Under the Banner of Heaven, God Created the Integers, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Arc of Justice, The Tipping Point, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, New York Trilogy, and Winning.

What kind of movies do you like?
Will see anything except horror films. Action or chick flick - I am good with either.

What kind of music?
I wouldn't have known what to call it until I saw ily's post. So, I guess it is indie music. To her list of: Franz Ferdinand, The White Stripes, Kaiser Chiefs, We are Scientists, The Strokes, Gorillaz, The Cure, Talking Heads etc (which are all great), I would add Liz Phair, Barenaked Ladies, Death Cab for Cutie, Fountains of Wayne, and Rilo Kiley.

Now, it is time to get back to level -12, I think I am close :)
Last edited by rhbgames on 10-01-2006 05:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ulf_h »

I've been away for a while...
Nice to see that so many new notproners have answered my questions! Thank you and welcome!
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Post by TehArabianHamburglar »

What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there? I dunno, I think alot, and I love this game.

How would you describe your personality? Emo, in love.

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)? Videogames, poetry, MUSIC, and movies

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time? Sit on my ass and figure out notpron :D

Do you like to watch sports? baseball
Do you like Video or Computer games? Depends on whats out there.
What kind of games? My middle name is fps_doug :D
Do you like to read? YES What kind of books? Anything by Chuck Palahnuik (authour of fight club, survivor, invisible monsters, ect) And really anything good. I'm reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire right now. I'm diggin it.

What kind of movies do you like? Anything good enough to hole one's attention

What kind of music? Anything from Bob Dylan to Rammstien. I just really don't like rap. There are a few, like Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gagnsta. but besides that, not really any.
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Post by andjelko »

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