Rens2Sea wrote:
I suggest make the player in air heavier when he gets the ball, meaning he'll drop down to earth faster + reduced boost power == no more boost goals.
Well you still could, just means youve gotta get closer to goal before performing "teh boost".
well.. if you first play another game and then play a deathball match o_O deathball already is quite a slow game.. don't slow it down anymore please /o\
DavidM wrote:
-when someone picks up the ball while flying thru the air slow him down immediately to 75%
(-when you pickup the ball while flying remove all remaining multijumps (make sure you got all when you have the ball and do a normal multijump)) not sure about that one tho
-pass without target, slow down to 70%
-boost power on teammates, turn that down to 80%