The 3xs Challenge

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Post by `Ghost` »


Ok site was re-done

Taken Mooney's suggestion of helping people etc, so I added two little images explaining two of 3xs's moves in game \o/

Not much - but - we're not claiming we're unbeatable now, right? :p

3xs Renewed
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Post by DavidM »

How does it help, when all know your actual mental attitude?
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Post by `Ghost` »

try 3xs challenge #2 jerko-bean, before you go off on another one of your 'i know everything about you' psychological thingies
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Post by DavidM »

If you'd stop carrying around your thoughts publically on a platter, holding em under everyone's noses :)
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Post by `Ghost` »

You take ass-wipe to a whole new level
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Post by Ker]v[et »

ok now its getting boring
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Post by DavidM »

no way he replies without the use of swear or anal words
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Post by `Ghost` »


edit: I agree with Kermet, all you do David is look for an argument with me. You're pathetic and I'm no better for reacting. I've learnt my lesson, now start acting your age
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Post by DavidM »

well at least it's fun how you turn everybody's reaction into something that suits your purpose, even if it was against you
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Post by Messy »

tbh, I hate it when people state it was 'all a joke' afterwards.

Seriously, it's the internet :) if you don't make it clear, people will misunderstand such 'irony'. Saying 'It was just a joke, you should know that' long after you've made the joke, feels like you're slapping on a lame excuse to save yourself.
There are ways to point out that it's not to be taken a 100% seriously that don't spoil a joke.

Now please don't be angry at me because I don't believe it was a joke to begin with :eek:
I'd believe you if you'd say you didn't want to offend others, and personally I can't see why I should suddenly dislike you all for this, but you can't start getting upset with people if they misunderstand a 'joke' like this.
Chances are, if it's on the internet and everyone get's all upset, you probably did something wrong ;p

We won't be upset for long <3 just admit your wrong ;)

You have the right to call yourself the best, but nobody has the right to be arrogant about it :o

ps: besides, everyone knows I amz teh best!!lol.
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Post by StRaFe »

<3 <--- solves all, sig owns btw, look at the fitness etc
Last edited by StRaFe on 06-12-2005 15:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jelly »


You did that 2 weeks ago with me, and defended Ghost when i said what you just wrote! Wtf? wtf? wtf!?!
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Post by Catalyst »

Messy wrote: You have the right to call yourself the best, but nobody has the right to be arrogant about it :o

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Post by DavidM »

yeah, good write up messy
but this line is a bit of bullshit :>

if you know you are good with something... shut up
and...well everybody has the right to be arrogant. it just makes them look suboptimal

edit: ok saying that you are good with something isnt necessarily depends how it's done. it can also be self-confident.
Last edited by DavidM on 06-12-2005 21:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by `Ghost` »

Messy wrote: feels like you're slapping on a lame excuse to save yourself.

Save myself from what? Said a thousand times what people think of me really means bugger all as far as im concerned.

1) If one of us three kept logs, we'd happily post the conversation we had about the site going up - the idea's about making the site and how we could take the complete and utter piss.

^ On a sidenote I really could not care less whether or not you believe that or not, but be my guest and squabble some more about it

2) The only reason - I - changed the site, leaning towards Mooney's idea of helping people instead was because Strafe and Shady are fed up with the abuse etc. All Im fed up of is DavidM and his comments, especially when he thinks he knows the three of us inside out or makes out he knows exactly whats going on in our heads AND believes hes right about it - Which, to be frank, is just as arrogant imo.

So you 'lot' can carry on moaning and crying about this that and the other, Ive put down exactly the way things are, whether you take notice or not is up to you. But thats how it is, and each and every one of your opinions are exactly that. Just opinions. Im not saying mine isnt 'just an opinion' because it is, but do remember there are three of us who know the real story. Its just a shame the three people who do know are all on the same team, which makes it a lot less believable.

So any way, congrats Liverpool \o/ oh and drop the crying now, even Im bored - Thats saying something

edit: taking a look at DavidM's post Im pretty certain he just completely turned around and went against everything hes been saying for the past month or so. Yes we are self confident, yes we do believe we're good. There isnt even any one who'll say we're not good any more, and those that did wouldnt play us to prove us wrong in the first place. Its not as if we randomly formed our team and claimed we were good. We have played enough matches to feel we're good so naturally our self confidence is on a high.

But thats besides the point, - I - made that arrogant piss take in hopes of driving people to build teams against us. If you cant see the intention or minor joke here, why not just look at 'The 3xs Challenge #2' and tell me we're serious there too? |: That is a piss take too, but this time aimed at the fools who took our first post very seriously and got angry at it rather than aimed at getting people to form teams to play us.

edit 2: Strafe you thief! \o/
Last edited by `Ghost` on 06-12-2005 22:59, edited 1 time in total.