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Next season...

Post by XiLLeRaToR »

I will be looking for a new clan, i wont be the most active player around because of work etc. But i'll be available a bit:P
Will have to leave tezc cus i cant give em the devotion they need / deserve.
But anyone who may be interested in havin me next season, any division, im up for a change:)
Reply here or pm me in irc (xillerator on quakenet)
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Post by ThaGiMiC »


u left again? =(
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Post by Axl »

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Post by CurvE »

hmm? not active?, not good :\
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

ive not left yet no:) like i sed ill stick around till end of season:P but i just dont have the time to be in a clan of tezc's level:D
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Post by Axl »

well we wont be at that "level" soon with all our players leaving every 5 minutes :@
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Post by Rens2Sea »

idd :@
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Post by JollyRulez »

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Post by [1234]Jr »

I dont think he means TEZC sucks, i think he means the opposite. I know Cata got sick of Div 1 being so .. boring.. all p'box campers and such.. probably the same with Xill
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Post by Axl »

yeah, i know hes not saying we sux.. its the opposite, cos were in the top league he doesnt think he can give us as much time as we need to compete.. however, with the lack of players atm, and people disappearing all the time, TEZC wont be in the top league for long :( we already stuggle to put out a team, and I can see by the end of the season were gunna find it very hard to keep with 2 teams :(
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Post by Requiem »

maybe TEZC will have to join the 2 teams to make only 1 :(

good luck m8s ;)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

We already thought about that O_o
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Post by drifter »

yes it's slightly off topic spam… hey xillerator (teh win)
/me waves… how about another 3on3?

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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Well I'm in DEUS for ictf, but at the end of the season/once I have tried DB1.7. I might join a DB clan again, under the one condition, that I get to play along side (or at least play in the same clan) as my partner in crime 'NaB'. Have to see where he goes this summer, maybe he'll stay with TEZC? =) either way looks like there will be some interesting leagues coming up, with alot of top flight players looking elsewhere =)
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

Roll on 1.7 is all I say (I know saying it ain't gonna make it get here any quicker)