Some ideas for a mapping noob

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Post by Armagon »

Also I am planning to have a custom song playing in the level, my choice being Breathe by Prodigy. One thing I'd like to know is, is it vital that the player has the song file for the level to work? Or does it just use a default one if they don't?

The reason I'd like to know this is because I know there are going to be some people that will gripe about a file bein bigger than necessary as a result of the custom music in the zip (eg. 56kers). If they DON'T need the song file, then I'll put up 2 different zips, one with the music and one without.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

If they don't have the .ogg then they will either have the Menu music or nothing playing.

Does the same thing happen to Static Meshes in DB-Ship?
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Post by Armagon »

I'm not sure, I'll check.
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Post by Armagon »

Yes the dead body does impact aginst them in DB-ship.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

Just tried to check it myself but there appears to be several collision volumes in the areas with the crates in.
Will check in UEd. ;)
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Post by Armagon »

Ok I looked at the map in Ued and I know how I can make the boxes solid now. In DB-Ship there are blocking volumes around them. I'll do that in DB-TheWarehouse.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

WHEY!!!! :D
Not the best method, but it'll work... ;)

I wonder why they were made like that though? :confused:
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Post by Armagon »

Well I've put them in now and the bodies are splatting against the boxes beautifully. I've also got the music set now, I'll be releasing two copies of the map, one with and one without the music.

NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW! Well, maybe the wrath of God, but that goes without saying. :rolleyes:

So things still to do before beta release
- Put lines (or some other indicators) in the floor to indicate zones.
- Put in the necessary blocking volumes and Deathball zones.
- Add the pain triggers that will go behind the goals.

Things to do before the final release
- Set goal effects
- Produce a radar
- Bot Pathing (this isn't essential but I'll probably do it anyway in case the AI is improved enough to be challenging).
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

Word of advice about the DB Volumes:
YOU MUST HAVE THEM IS THIS ORDER: Team, Penalty then Keeper.
It's easiest to just add them in that order... ;)
If you have any other volumes in your map (the Blocking Volumes around the crates) you MUST change their order to AFTER the DB's or they will not always work.
To change the order of an actor, right-click on it, click order then ...LAST, ...FIRST, etc.

If you are doing the DB's after your collision volumes, before building set the order to FIRST on Keepers, Penaltys and finaly Team volumes. This will leave them in the right order. :cool:

Another point to remember is not to have the Team volumes touching or overlapping. You only need a gap of 1 unit, but if not you will find that one side can score from the Ball spawn even with Long Shots off. So if the Ball spawn is at 0, have the Team Volumes start at -1 & 1.

Hope that proves helpful... :D

As to bot pathing... give me a shout when you start it. :confused:
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Post by beefsack »

lol soz bout that static mesh stuff, i assumed you had the static meshes in your own package :p
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Post by cajuncook »

Armagon wrote: NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW! Well, maybe the wrath of God, but that goes without saying. :rolleyes:

Or a sudden reformat of your drive by some unknown hacker. ;D
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Post by Armagon »

lol, I suppose that too is a possilbility. But I doubt it'll happen.
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Post by Armagon »

I have completed the beta version of the map. Unfortunately I can't upload it until we get our router back (which should be any day now). I have zipped the map and the file weighs in a very light 393kb. I haven't included the song, since it's just a beta, but the map IS playable. I'm afraid you'll just have to wait til the router gets here. For all I know, I may complete the final before we get it back.

So things I will be doing for the final:
1. Adding a screenie that can be seen in the map selection menu.
2. Adding pain triggers behind the goals.
3. Goal effects.
4. Produce radar.
5. Bot pathing.

Unfortunately the best I can do at the moment is to provide a screenshot of the completed physical structure. I will post one soon.
Last edited by Armagon on 27-05-2003 23:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Armagon »

Here ya go.
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Post by gutterflower »

nice, id say retexture it though, its not that those textures are a bad choice its just that they are very generic.
Also i think the lighting could use some work, especially for deathball id say a bit bright would be better and either tone down the red/blue or remove it all together and add some other indicator.

prephaps add some trees or something ot look at outside the window?

but yea the lighting is very dark, the ceiling is black, sure that shouldnt be with those lights on the walls..

but nice :D

keep going