'We want Panda'

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by DavidM »

oh and I thought there would be a dumbness limit that nobody could top
thanks for proving me wrong

we'll not ban you, so everybody can see this 0_o
in the end this should hurt more
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Post by Zanboo »

Probably will, if only I cared.

The five regular visitors to this forum will hate me :(
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Post by DavidM »

wondering how this thread got 900+ views so far

Post by Panda »

Evidently theres more crazy people / Panda fans in the community than you estimated Dave
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Post by DavidM »

ego large enough yet?
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

It's comments like Zanboo's that are killing this game. :(

No wonder people are leaving. This is supposed to be FUN, remember? :rolleyes:
There is always a small minority in any community that takes things WAY to far, unfortunately it seems it is no longer the minority here. It won't be long before it's only the minority that's left.
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Post by Humbleone »

Zanboo wrote: I've thought long and hard about this, and finally decided to post.


Try posting again - this time apologize. Hows that for a SHORT and EASY post...
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Post by DavidM »

no, next time try to think about it....REALLY
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Post by Humbleone »

The Hermit wrote: It's comments like Zanboo's that are killing this game. :(

No wonder people are leaving. This is supposed to be FUN, remember? :rolleyes:
There is always a small minority in any community that takes things WAY to far, unfortunately it seems it is no longer the minority here. It won't be long before it's only the minority that's left.

The DB community is having its share of problems - I agree. But lets try and keep it fun. If enough people continue/(start) playing the game for fun, and ignoring (which i forgot in my above post :rolleyes: ) all the jerks - we should be doing fine.

Go hang out in all your favorite #deathball-channels @ irc, play with the people you want to play with - help where u can. Its all a matter of thinking positive. Yaya, hippie idea - but imo: ---the only way forward--- :D

Post by Panda »

Free love! Here, have a flower.

We all know things aren't great in the community and thats why people are coming out of the woodwork with ideas to benefit the community such as the academy and MOTD (I'm sure this thread was related to that at some point in the distant past).

About playing for fun: the central part of the DeathBall community is the league and that cannot be changed now. Without the league DeathBall would not be as successful and popular as it is but with the league there is constantly a very competitive atomsphere among the majority. Damn double-edged swords :rolleyes:
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Post by Humbleone »

what u are saying is that the competitive atomsphere is in no way related to fun? Come on - fun was the only reason we all(?) started playing DB b/c of. And surely also the reason TV started making this mod.
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't wan't to be without the competitive side of it at all - but i'm just saying there's no reason for getting way serious about everything.

Post by Panda »

Don't get me wrong, the competition can be great for some people, I love playing in clan matches and competing in the league but several times I've heard the opinion that DeathBall is too competitive
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Post by DavidM »

many players dont like the constant pressure and leave good teams to join lower division teams cause there is no pressure

Post by Panda »

To be honest David there is more pressure in the lower teams than you'd think
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »
