DavidM: I think this idea requires some business idea analysis. You have in a marketing sense two major issues considering your customers and they both are related to the question who would pay for this. One, who would be the customers and two, how to attract them.
You have three potential customer groups:
1) The ones who have solved the free notpron riddles. So far 71 persons.
2) People who do notpron but aren't yet done with the free ones.
3) People new to notpron or ex-notpronners.
Considering options if notpron2 is a riddle for the customer group 1) you aren't going to get that much money out of this. On the other hand if you choose to attract the groups 2) & 3) you have to make the riddle easier (I think). This would in my opionion be in conflict with the whole idea of notpron, since notpron should be difficult. The only feasible (of course this depends on how much money you intend to pull with this) combination that would - perhaps- attract all three groups is a solution where notpron2 is something like notpron, minusnotpron and greeknotpron, but on the same time something completely new and different and of course separate from the original one.
Or you could just settle for less money, do the notpron2 as a continuation of notpron.
But if David wants to attract "groups 2 & 3" by making the levels easy, almost no one from group one will pay. I have 3 levels until I finish and if the levels arent hard at least like the minus levels I am sure I wont pay.
How about a per level charge of ten cents or something? I don't know how easy that would be to set up though - probably too hard.
And maybe you could ask everyone for a satisfaction rating after each level, so you get a better idea of the sort of levels that turn people on (chicks aside ) and can avoid making, say, another minus 17 (my blood boils just thinking about it )