only thing i dont agree with is the keeper dodge being decreased....
I'm normally very patient with the changes, and give them a chance (which I still will) but this change just sucks. Get better if u want higher scoring games. Anyone with half a brain will shoot to the far side of a keeper now, because he can't reach there. There is basically no way for him to get there, except if he jumps. In which case the best way would to go far-bottom...
The scores are fine as they are, and if you want higher scores...then get better. I notice no real difference in scores, and when scores are low...its cause its a close game, in which case thats a good thing (in my eyes, since its an actually challenge).
DavidM, get better and don't nerf keepers.....the keepers are really fine as they are and I don't see any REAL reason to change them.
nerfing keepers will make playing DB pointless cause every single defensive player will double keep to voer the far side of the net and increase that already extremely cheap Pbox camping.
If you cant score get skill bitch, i still score no matter how much you make def better in DB, you can too.
second tribun is a nice map..but its way too spammy. Bigger = better, kthx david.
3rd normal shots have never been useless..
4th keeping is now more skill than just dashing the length of the goal, if this makes it too easy to score then somethign else needs to be done because this is the way it should be..
Originally posted by gutterflower
[Bal4th keeping is now more skill than just dashing the length of the goal, if this makes it too easy to score then somethign else needs to be done because this is the way it should be..
keeping is already more skill than that...
if u think that dodging the length of the goal is cheap...then u suck....pretty plain and simple.
what are you talking about?
I don't control the other members of my team...
and just so you know:
13th had some personal issues and got disconnected for a bit
Scarface moved and is looking for work to get online
Panzer quit (never played anyways)
and we couldnt find Universal for a while.
We lost 2 defenders and 2 keeps after we had the only American league undefeated record. Did you have the only undeafeted Europe record? no. i rest my case.
Its not all about me you know. Our team fell apart but that doesnt mean i was responsible for it or it was because i didn't score or whatever your thinking.
Surge wrote:
nerfing keepers will make playing DB pointless cause every single defensive player will double keep to voer the far side of the net and increase that already extremely cheap Pbox camping.
defenders box camp cuz everyone is a volley whore and boost makes it stupid for me to go anywhere.
nerf boost and learn to shoot and i'll come out of the box. until then all you box camping whiners can stfu.