so the problem stemmed from Panda wanted to have the info on a seperate website to the dbl. Couldnt you just let Panda do this david, then link each report from the dbl site to the corresponding page on pandas site. Discuss a commen interface for the link names, so everything will be automated, and then i dont see how you can't both get what you want ?
Reason DavidM and the rest wanna nick your idea panda is cos its good, and has been successfull. Ok, its not original, and all been done before for most sports, but at least panda did summit about it and got it under way! - Whats next nicking the deathball acadamy?
TEZC-Axl wrote:
Reason DavidM and the rest wanna nick your idea panda is cos its good, and has been successfull. Ok, its not original, and all been done before for most sports, but at least panda did summit about it and got it under way! - Whats next nicking the deathball acadamy?