2.4 testing info

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2.4 testing info

Post by DavidM »


ukx -> deathball/animations
ut2 -> deathball/maps
ini -> deathball/system
u -> deathball/system

Server DBL2: (used for pickups most of the time and has a password)
Last edited by DavidM on 29-09-2005 15:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by overon »

You don't have permission to access /Downloads/DB2.4beta1.zip on this server.
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Post by Twigstir »

Right click is your friend. Then save.

2.4beta looked good.

Things I saw:

Flaming ball in botmatch was too much and lasted too long. Neat effect thou.

A few times the ball carrier didn't have rings.
Last edited by Twigstir on 24-09-2005 03:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by InSaNe` »

Agreed.. It's a nice effect but if it didn't blind you then it'd be hot.

If you could put that into volleying and somehow fix the blinding issue then it'd be neato.

Keep it up.. I didn't try out keeping.. It's like my worst nightmare came true and I didn't wanna face it until the full version came out.
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Post by StRaFe »

Well i played it and i think its really not to bad.

I agree on the flames besides when it does it after a rmb pass, dunno if this is needed tbh(fps issue). Charge owns though, flame is a nice touch

gg <3
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Post by `Ghost` »

How do I turn the flames off, rather annoying and laggy. Ball wont reset any more either
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Post by DavidM »

hold your bug reports back, its useless since I know all myself :)
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Post by Messy »


Uploading a new version of the beta? :o

edit: works now!
Can't really pretend I can say anything about 2.4 now :) would need a match to find out.
Last edited by Messy on 24-09-2005 12:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

nope, just you
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Post by Messy »

Fixed ;)

..somehow :x
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Post by DavidM »

Too all complainers. Deflect will be toned down a bit, but its good that you can basically block all when you stand in front of someone. He just needs more room to pass now!
This is also helping the defense a lot, otherwise you could just use the new super shot to score score score.

Also boosting will be toned down a lot. So its more about running than boosting. Boosting will only be really effective when you use double boost. It will annoy you at first, but it's going the right way imo and I will ignore moaning about it \o/
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Post by DavidM »

New DB2.4beta1.zip
fixed smallcube and cube
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Post by Cirian »

DavidM wrote: Too all complainers. Deflect will be toned down a bit, but its good that you can basically block all when you stand in front of someone. He just needs more room to pass now!
This is also helping the defense a lot, otherwise you could just use the new super shot to score score score.

Also boosting will be toned down a lot. So its more about running than boosting. Boosting will only be really effective when you use double boost. It will annoy you at first, but it's going the right way imo and I will ignore moaning about it \o/

Okay. None of you know who I am so I doubt anything I say will carry any weight in this forum. But I, and a few of my friends (who are very active in the Australia community) tested this today.

What to say. Where to start. I may as well start off with the premise of the argument, which can be summed up succinctly as "what the fuck". As you may have gathered by my strategic quoting and last clause, I am not happy, and neither were any of them.

Once I had got over being blinded by the hideously oversized "fire" effect, which, thankfully, only appeared in botmatch, we immediately started testing the waters, if you will. Initial experimentation proved that yes, the goals are infact gigantic. No, they are stupidly oversized. I don't really know what perverse pleasure you derive from making the scoring zone slightly larger than your average whale, but I can tell you straight out that it is not something that I approve of.

Next, the chargeup. Okay, so I'm aware most American DB players couldn't shoot to save their lives (I know that there are exceptions to this rule, but hey, I'm feeling prone to hyperbole and overgeneralization today), so maybe allowing them to shoot from one side of smallcube to the other in just over a second seems like a great idea to the sycophantic masses that are practically falling over themselves to congratulate you on a job well done, but for me, and those in our community who saw it in action today, this isn't going to fly.

Boosting and volleying seemed to be roughly the same (at least for those lucky enough not charged with keeping balls off the proverbial barn door), although static (i.e., not perfect, running--) boosts didn't seem to work very well at all. I don't dig it, but I can appreciate that. Makes the game more strategic, in theory at least. Whatever.

But oh my, back to the chargeup and goals. Much to our surprise, we found that halfcourt shots suddenly became a vaible option. Perhaps you have heard of Deacan Sharp, a bit of a pariah in our community, whose "signature move" is the excitingly named "retarded throw away the ball at kick off with a halfcourt shot that even a blind leper could save". Well let me tell you, when he plays this, he will be one happy camper.

Forget mid-level keepers. They don't exist anymore. I'm not a very good keeper, infact, I am almost universally recognised within this community as being some kind of goal-vacuum, an anti-keeper, if you will. But I sometimes save. Not so in this version. A flick of the wrist just before the ball is released, and the keeper has to cross the goals (roughly the distance from London to Singapore) in the gigantic window of 0.3 seconds. Yeah. It was fun.

I realise that you are renowned for being someone who doesn't actually give a toss what the community thinks (as the above quote shows), but hey, I thought I may as well add my $0.02.
Last edited by Cirian on 24-09-2005 17:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pok »

Sad but true, Cirian.

I'm honestly disappointed.
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Post by Imaginos »

Howdy Cirian!
Was nice playing with ya last night Pok. o/

I'm getting my first looks at this too. I think the large goals are going to be a bit scary as well. Going to have to playtest this a bit to get an actual opinion though. Hang in there with the rest of us and keep the feedback coming.

For all:

There's some confusion as to what to do with the files and how they will mess up your install. Here's the simple explanation:

<edit> Files removed..

Extract the contents of the 2.4 beta zips to your deathball folders. Back up the files they replace and you will be able to switch back to the 2.3 version with ease by restoring the 6 version 2.3 files.

Forgot to add: The beta will be hosted for public play on BuD2 (doesn't advertise) deathball:// feel free to give it a test and share your thoughts.
Last edited by Imaginos on 24-09-2005 17:59, edited 1 time in total.