Nicky, are you the ones posting most of the riddles and stuff? Where do you get them? 0.o or rather, any of you who are posting lots of these. Any one place or jsut picked up over time?
Last edited by Sp3ctre18 on 25-09-2005 20:52, edited 1 time in total.
Zelkin wrote:
Oops, I was supposed to be creative.
Reality is subjective. As an existentialist, believing that variety is indeed the spice of life, I decide that the manhole covers are any polygonal shape I want them to be. Today, I choose half of them to be nonagons and the other half to be rhombi. So, manhole covers are round when I decide they're round.
Seeing as oyur question had nothing to do with asking what a manhole cover is then it is a logical assumption that you know what a manhole cover is and therefore there is at least one in your mind and therefore it is real
Everybody knows it's to get to the other side!
Here's a tribute to a question my friend once asked me:
If you have seven eyes, four noses, three mouths and no face, what's the difference between a duck, true or false?