Some ideas for a mapping noob

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Some ideas for a mapping noob

Post by Armagon »

Well I'm currently going through the process of learning to use UnrealEd. Once I've finished learning how to use it,
I plan to make a DB map. But the one thing I need first is a DB map idea that will be reasonably simple to make since this is gonna be my first map EVER. Any ideas?
Last edited by Armagon on 11-05-2003 06:47, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

WARNING: Don't try for a killer map on your first attempt. You'll find your full of things you want to do, but don't know how or slow the map down too much.
Start with something smaller and fairly simple, perhaps something the size of Smallcube for all those Volley-Whores ;). It would give them something else to play on! :D

Above all, have fun making it! :cool:
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Post by Armagon »

Well that was my aim. That's why I was asking for ideas that would be relatively simple to make. :)
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

Kinda trying to keep any good ideas I've got for myself, especially if no-one else seems to thought of them! ;)

Try a small warehouse that's been almost entirely cleaned out for the match. The goals could be doorways into other warehouses with the shutters partially down at the right height for the top of the goal. Some glass windows along one side for the sunlight to fall through. Metal support beams with striplights across the roof. Maybe the odd crate in the corners?

Damn, now I want to do that... :rolleyes:
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

See image for rough (VERY :confused: ) sketch of the warehouse.

You could have a whinch near the doors projected from the wall or hanging from above.
Maybe have the doors off center as in DB-SHIP. The doors near one corner with a few crates in the other.
Some posters with calendars, orders, safety info one the walls.

Hope this is useful... ;)
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Post by beefsack »

whoa not a bad idea at all...give it a go armagon :)
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Post by Armagon »

Yeah I think I will. It's better than anything I've come up with so far, and I think I might just be able to pull that one off :) I'm looking at the last couple of video tuturials now, so I'll probably be able to start it sometime this week. I'm just gonna need to check out the extra details on setting up goals and blocking volumes. Cross your fingers for me guys ;)
Last edited by Armagon on 12-05-2003 15:13, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

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Post by Surge »

wow i like that idea Hermit...

warehouse map would definaltly be interesting

edit: since this is your first map you should exparament with sound triggers and make smashing window sounds and make the ball pass through them :)
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Post by gutterflower »

im willing to help you through it myself if you want to contact me on something other than the forum
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Post by [1234]Jr »

What about a toilet seat map..

by that i dont mean a toilet seat, but like ... a big oval, with a bridge goin along horizontal and vertical (crossing) and goals at either end.. with a pit of shit under it all?

meh, what do i know.. i cant even make a cube in UED :|
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

since this is your first map you should experiment with sound triggers and make smashing window sounds and make the ball pass through them :)

That is rather advanced for a first map! :eek:
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Post by beefsack »

hmm, i got an idea for a map, but im gonna do it. anyone seen the 70's rollerball? not the new shit one. im gonna do a rollerball arena :D
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

That was one of my first ideas. :D
I couldn't decide where to put the goals and the ball spawn so that the whole arena would get used. :confused:
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Post by FireCell »

I just plan old suck at ued, if anyone knows any good tutorials i would really thank you. I waste too much time doing nothing and i want to learn to map.