This is just a stupid idea I had when I was playing and there was a lot of foul language going round a server.
Would it be in any way possible to have a "censor" type mode that could be turned on to filter out a banned word list? I've spoken to several other players who agree that such an atmosphere would put them off wanting younger people to play.
i believe theres a server mutator to censor it but considering the game itself is rated M, why in the heck should the server admin have to put it on when buying the game it self means that you understand that there will be foul language and all other things "mature".
My stance on censorship has always been "F Censorship" (haha, get it?), but it'll probably either require somebody to make a mutator for the server or something officially put out by Epic.
Wasnt there one on the KeX server? When we played pickup there whenever we said fuck it said "KeX Rules!" instead and banned us from speaking for 5 minutes
Yeah l33fy your right a mutator to stop spamming and foul language in one, it was pretty good sometimes and anoyying at other times when you get banned for spamming that "\o/" bind :p