n00bs spoiling the game?? ... or big named claned members?

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Post by CurvE »

Black, i only pass because i cannot score myself ;)
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Post by Axl »

arrghhhh ffs.. Once again on the same server and once again the SAME clan members came on and screw it all up for the rest of us.. omg your so l33t!

Im soooooo tempted to name this lame ass clan, funny thing is one of them has replied to this post saying how bad it is! LISTEN TO YOURSELVES FFS!
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Post by SoS »

Well i must admit, i'm no noob , but i'm not that good either. I agree with this posting 100%, but one must keep in mind. Some of the best players in DB are only 12,13, and 14. Here i am at age 30 getting spanked around by 13 yr olds..lol Some of them are very mouthy to newer or not so good people. But i think the biggest shame is when u get 2 really good players on a team, and they do nothing but pass to each other and not give the newer people a chance to learn. Just my 2 cents
enjoy its only a game
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Post by Diab »

i'm at a prime age of 19, and whipping at db :P
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Post by night »

im 25 and i suk.....
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Post by DavidM »

"But i think the biggest shame is when u get 2 really good players on a team, and they do nothing but pass to each other and not give the newer people a chance to learn."

thats just normal....
what would you do? pass to the good player, he will do something good when he gets the ball, OR pass to the n00b who will just play a crap pass or not even catch it or something :/

noobs shouldnt be playing with better players
Last edited by DavidM on 12-05-2003 16:25, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

Then you may as well stop developing DB as that is the very attitude that will kill it off for good. :rolleyes:

Post by DaJero »

DavidM wrote: noobs shouldnt be player with better players

I sooooooooo disagree with you David.

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Post by [GF]Officer1099 »


It seems like the whole Gaming Communities need to grow up a bit. I have noticed from the 3 games that i play online, it is all the same. RTCW, is the worse that i have seen. I havent been to any of the UT - DB servers at all. SOF2, there is some, but most of the VET players are more than willing to help the n00b's. Most of the complaints that i have seen were inside of forums, mainly because of accusations of cheating. Hopefully everyone that complains about n00bs will solve their problem of CRANIAL RECTAL INVERSION, aka Head up their @$$.
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

Thanks BlackFlame :D We probably don't get much recognition tho cus we're not really posing much of a challenge to any other teams in our division ;)
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Post by SuBBy »

DavidM wrote: "But i think the biggest shame is when u get 2 really good players on a team, and they do nothing but pass to each other and not give the newer people a chance to learn."

thats just normal....
what would you do? pass to the good player, he will do something good when he gets the ball, OR pass to the n00b who will just play a crap pass or not even catch it or something :/

noobs shouldnt be player with better players
Give each player a chance and make multiple pases to the better players and the not so good players, anyway most of the time the pass goes to the one in space.
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Post by UrbanKilla »

bah when u look who are crying on pub server , it s always some player who never pass , volley whore , and cry for everything

i play with my real nick and i playing keeper sweeper , defense or striker when needed , if i m in a noob team i m playing defense or keeper to avoid a 30:0 .
when i see 1 peeps who don t know how to pass and using shoot to pass , i just say right click to pass xxx
it s not hard
but some moron forgot they was noob when they came on deathball , or they think i m the best player (i goalhang) do a wall pass and score , so pass to me i m the best but when they are marked by a very good sweeper , they are invisible :p

i remeber when i came for first time on db i was a noob
and remeber holy surfing and cyph (if i remeber well) who said use right click for pass and left for shoot :p
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Post by CurvE »

Urban killa is right :D he wins!
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Post by Desaster »

I just wann say to the odd "NOOB" jangler

Go to school or have Job and sit not the whole day before your PC and play DB and others.....

Go back to real life, meat Friends, move your real boday...
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Post by BlackFlame »

np NightSpirit i just dont think your clan get the recognition they diserve