didnt play cuz they didnt feel confident ...!
oh my perhaps im too stupid to understand this one.... but it wouldnt fuckin interest me if the opponents dont feel confident... they have to play or i get a def win.... thats easy enough.. why discussing that?
if it was any other 2 teams in the league A would have got a default win for sure. but are u gonna risk asking for a default win against the team with davidm in it? :\
even if the other 2 admins take the opposite view to him i wouldn’t be surprised if i woke up in the morning to find my team -1 point and a default loss :\
well, i can understand that you wanted to play that match earlier, but you never said anything about you not being able to play past last sunday. we didn't knew anything about this untill you asked that day. thats not fair either that you want to force us to play, when u missed to tell us earlier that you can't play past that day. especially since david has a weak cpu atm and thereby can't play properly. that's also why we wanted to push the match further back, as there was nothing from our pov against that at that time, so david could get a new cpu or get at least used to that weak one and the low fps.
hm, but the league could really use some more rules about this. perhaps also some rule that allows to play a macth out of time frame if both teams agree and an admin is informed or so...