Panda seeks clan

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Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

ZBN are in need of a goalscorer

;) ;) ;) ;)
Posts: 202
Joined: 25-03-2003 17:50

Post by -Camel- »

I know who were the bad ones, but thats just between me an whoeva i tell. Want the info, i'm open to bribes. ;)
Posts: 75
Joined: 21-03-2003 09:58

Post by Kyllian »

/me bribes Cam with a shiny new Jackhammer...
Posts: 263
Joined: 24-04-2003 03:09

Re: Panda seeks clan

Post by CurvE »

I've Taken shooting lessons from Fizzy.

w0w! your shooting must be waaaaaaay off :P
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Joined: 10-03-2003 10:22

Post by =/FUC/=Timfried »

we're searching new members....
so, if you want to join the muhtrix (and if you don't find that we're lame:rolleyes: ) come to chan #muhtrix in quakenet or contact me via icq #137773619

Post by McKenna »

Same here...Panda if you still look for a clan, come to #fj.db ;-)

Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm spamming all "Blah is looking for a Clan" Threads with Attackers in it, but well...:-)