instead of the power being defined by the blue, like it is currently, would you mind trying a shot power defined by the red and see how it effects things?
X-axis = charge time in seconds
Y-axis = shot power.
Last edited by Rampart on 07-05-2003 05:45, edited 1 time in total.
It won't "totally" screw you over... but there definitely be a readjusting... there would be a benefit in that you could execute those moves in shorter amounts of time. It would jsut be slightly more viscious.
(I do a lot of those moves.. So I'd feel it too, I just feel the possible benefits are worth the readjust)
I'd rather see shots that are less than a certain power (like 50-60%) not being an automatic overpowered shot (aim still being effected by the shake) than something like this.
For that to work the curve would need to be a lot closer to the blue than it is in the graph
You can't make it client side... It presents an imbalance in shot power
It does allow you to get around getting shaken with no escape. It creates viable shots before the halfway mark. Thatway you can shoot before the shake. That's the whole point of it. Therefore, the defender has to time the shake to when he thiks you're going to shoot, not just x seconds into the charge.
The entire goal of this change is to get it around the 50-60% hit unescapable shake.
The point of the Blue was not to present just a different way... it was for specific gameplay reasons... which can be viewed in the "dribbling" thread. What you posted Diab is directly opposite the reason for proposing the new line.
Last edited by Rampart on 08-05-2003 00:25, edited 1 time in total.