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Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by GazMaN »

Inphidel wrote: I love the game but i'm deffinately tired of small cube volly only games.. we need more maps with new twists to them. not just another big square with two goals and different atmosphere... the community is killing deathball by not trying new maps... atleast for pubs... if pubs die, db will ultimately die as a mod..

i dont agree with that personally, to me db is the computer version of the game i love , football.

i couldnt, and dont want to play a map with silly boost pads, raising platforms, silly bends, and watever else ppl can come up with.
When i play db , i wanna play a game of 5v5 or 6v6 in a straight team vs team match!
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Post by Inphidel »

but its not football(or as us crazy americans call soccer) its death ball. I like to think of it as a futuristic sport of its own, elements taken from football, soccer, hockey and other sports.

death ball is getting the ball to the goal. the only laws that apply are if you are in the goalie area, you can be killed with one hit. if you have the ball, you can get killed by a few hits... there are no refs.

why not make a map with barb wire all around the outside so if you boost a player into it he is harmed or gibbed but the ball bounces safely..


A nice little box is being built around this game by the community. pretty soon no one new will want to play because everyones bitching to have the game played a way its not designed.

I really think pubs are so empty these days because the instant someone new downloads the game, gets on a server and gets a goal and feels good about it they're hit with


does anyone explain what volly only means? no. they either ban him or drive them away.

thank you for contributing to the death of deathball :)
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Post by GazMaN »

o i agree whole heartedly about it bein db, not football, but to me its the thing that reltes closest to the game i love, hence id like to keep it as simple as possible.

Im not saying ur ideas are bad , infact i agree a few weird and new maps would b good for bringin ppl into the game possibly, just for me, id have a lovely rectangle pitch with 2 goals any day \o/ :)
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

"I really think pubs are so empty these days because the instant someone new downloads the game, gets on a server and gets a goal and feels good about it they're hit with


Good point Inphidel. The coding of the game is not bringing DB down, it's the trolls who are slamming noobs and generally being dicks. DB has a pretty tough learning curve to it. Because the community is so small, most of the players are pretty experienced. It's got to be pretty intimidating to hop into a server for the first time and see all the wall volleys, one timers, etc. being pulled off while you're trying to get passing dialed in. I think this community will grow either way, but it'll grow faster if the experienced players show some tolerance and try to help out the newbies.
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Post by Aftermath2k »

Here Here Burning...
As a formerly insane noob (i couldnt even understand a volley...PS dont practice on the bots, it builds up a good no goalie shot which is not appreciated at all) I believe that it should be the "experienced" players job to train us stupid noobs...

I mean half of them dont know what VO or Dribbling, or even what a banana shot is...

We need more 4 player training games to bring in new people, and then DB will have the crowd it needs for insane clan games, strategy, and just general kick a*s fun.

(P.S. please post on the DBShipwur post if you have any information that could help...TY)
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

I used to love deathball.
Back in the good old days most ppl, currently clan players, just played it for the fun, therefore managing to stay in a public server for hours if wanted, and actually having fun in it.
Most good clan players nowadays are just bored: public servers are too lame: some players are newbies, everyone was one before, got nothing against them. But, oftenly, some ignorant schmucks drop in, showing off how ego they are, and proud of it, apparently.
The dbl seems somewhat screwed or non-challeging sometimes, or it's just too stressful for most usually: ppl are no longer in it for the fun, it feels too much like a job often, leading ppl fighting between clans who's best, bla bla, yatta yatta.
Deathball itself, died for many after 1.4b: many think banana goals are screwed, the catch radius seems smaller for keepers (dunno if it is or not), and sprint is just G-A-Y. Some additions to 1.6 aren't bad, like keeper abilities, but it's just that.
Nowadays? i just play for my clan, which doesn't happen very often anymore, like 1-2 times/week, i go sometimes to pubs under different nicknames so i don't have to put up with idiots, or just play something else. It's sad, deathball was once a great mod :|
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Post by CurvE »

Everything Holy_Surfing said...i agree to...

I also agree that noobs should be trained...

I may have the time for them noobies if they wish to be "Experienced"

And yup, 1.4b rocked, was the best ever, and after that, deathball just....died.

Deathball to me...is just something i have to do...not cause i like it...just cause i have a clan, and yes, ITS VERY VERY VERY stressing been in a clan, let alone the damn leader....

It doesnt help at the most when people in "IRC" (mIRC) go at each others throughts all the time..

Pubs are bad.. mmkay
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Post by FireCell »

i started on 1.4b so i dont know what came b4 it. It was fun but the transition to another version was no real prob as i wasn't settled into that one anyway. I do remember having to put up with lots of c*** though as a noob but i decided to carry on playing and its ok now. Late at night ive taken many hours of my time at other peoples requests to teach them the basic principles and some simple tricks. Yet still when in a match it gets frustrating, especially when a person will just get the ball and run for goal then get killed... so next time they get the ball and run for goal and get killed.... and so on. i would assume that they would realise passing is a good idea after the 3rd time, its common sense that u cant make a run for goal through the defenders unless they all have shield gun bug :) I get mad at this type of noob, not the type that just makes mistakes.
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

I just don't understand people who aren't playing DB for the fun. this concept of it as work perplexes me. Its a GAME. We play it for fun. If managing your clan, or competing in leagues and ladders isn't fun, stop. DB is a great mod! It's a blast. I don't think the shrinking of the community is related to changes in gameplay so much as the attitude of the hardcore clan players. These are the guys sh1tt1ng all over noobs and locking themselves up in passworded servers to compete in a league a lot of them don't like anymore. So stop! There are empty servers and servers full of newbs because all the experienced clan guys have sectioned themselves off from the rest of the community. If these guys would open up the servers, play in pubs, play for Fun *gasp*, I think it'll revitalize the community. Tear Down That Wall!
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Post by FireCell »

i often play away from pubs for the reason i know that ill be one of the hated ppl that get angry at noobs. Most i can bare but it only takes one that repeatedly does something that doesn't make sense time after time that i get a little ticked. Then i have my choice have a go at this dude because i have already explained a better idea he could toy with or i leave. well as i usually leave why did i join in the first place. So ive learnt from my mistake and i dont join in the first place.
Dont get me wrong i dont hate noobs, just the ones that aren't willing to learn to play the game. The ones that play alone and not as a team, it ruins the entire match for that side and how can u have fun when u know the person holding the ball isn't going to pass and will more than likely just let the other team score.
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Post by Chrisfu »

On retrospect, I think people are being way too uptight. Too many clans are splitting up just because they have a few bad games. Some people need to grow up and learn how to take defeat on the chin.

I don't see 123/4 having a mega-bitch about losing. They're a good bunch of lads and play for fun. They know their lucks out at the moment, but carry on regardless. We need more clans like 123/4.

That fiver in the post, Jr?
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Post by Orbitul »

bURNINGrOID wrote: I just don't understand people who aren't playing DB for the fun. this concept of it as work perplexes me. Its a GAME. We play it for fun. If managing your clan, or competing in leagues and ladders isn't fun, stop. DB is a great mod! It's a blast. I don't think the shrinking of the community is related to changes in gameplay so much as the attitude of the hardcore clan players. These are the guys sh1tt1ng all over noobs and locking themselves up in passworded servers to compete in a league a lot of them don't like anymore. So stop! There are empty servers and servers full of newbs because all the experienced clan guys have sectioned themselves off from the rest of the community. If these guys would open up the servers, play in pubs, play for Fun *gasp*, I think it'll revitalize the community. Tear Down That Wall!

I pretty much agree with this. We just don't have a big enough community to have a big percentage of the people playing only in locked games.
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

i always hope i score... thats about it :/
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Post by CurvE »

As i said before if any noobs want to drop by in our IRC chan (db-white) i will take a time out and dedicate it to learners...or whichever you prefure...

I may not be the best player in dethball, but i do know the basics.. and these i can teach you, along with some tricks that can be executed with a friend..

So drop by or pm me sometime ( IRC -> Wh|CurvE) (In-game [Wh°CurvE] ) peace :D
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Post by CurvE »

As i said before if any noobs want to drop by in our IRC chan (db-white) i will take a time out and dedicate it to learners...or whichever you prefure...

I may not be the best player in dethball, but i do know the basics.. and these i can teach you, along with some tricks that can be executed with a friend..

So drop by or pm me sometime ( IRC -> Wh|CurvE) (In-game [Wh°CurvE] ) peace :D