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Post by Kyllian »

I used to love being an attacker... but that was before it bacame such a b*tch to launch a regular shot past the keeper

I misss 1.5, before the charge sound was broadcast to everyone.
People like me who preferred regular shots over vollies actually had a chance

I've been sticking to def ever since
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Post by Alars »

you just suck lol
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Post by The Hermit »

Kyllian wrote: I misss 1.5, before the charge sound was broadcast to everyone.
People like me who preferred regular shots over vollies actually had a chance

I quite agree... :(
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Post by Diab »

Kyllian wrote: I used to love being an attacker... but that was before it bacame such a b*tch to launch a regular shot past the keeper

I misss 1.5, before the charge sound was broadcast to everyone.
People like me who preferred regular shots over vollies actually had a chance

I've been sticking to def ever since

you know since 1.4 i had the same amount of goals with a powerd up shot then before, the charge sound may give the keeper a estimate but you can swill pwn him if done correctly. theres no problem with it.

also if you want a silent shot, use pass though its half as strong.
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Post by nameless »

agree @ Diab

But the passshot is too good. As a keeper i can dodge out and try to hit the attacker so shakeshots. But with pass it doesn t work. That s really anoying. The attacker should "shoot" a goal, not "passing" a goal. I d like to something like if passing = goal with less than 1 sec ---> ball reset. With this setting u would still be able to score with passshot if the goaly moved out too far or a lucky pass from the middle that noone catched may get in.

But as all attackers would moan bout that it will never happen ...
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Post by Alars »

i do agree with that, being an attacker myself how ever make it like 0.63 seconds not one sec that is waaay too long...

this gives keeper .1 of a second to volley it....
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Post by nameless »

did u ever see a passshot with less than .63 secs?? they used to have about .8 secs, cos passshots are made right behind the zone to get a goal past the goaly who dodged out. I wanna see the attacker "shooting" a goal, so he just should have the possibility to "pass" a goal if the keeper does a mistake ...
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Post by Alars »

the attacker runs the risk of being gibbed anyway - the 'mistake' is the keeper doing the defenders job by dodging out in the first place

and yes i can think of a couple of times today even that i did pass-shots under .63 seconds....
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Post by Diab »

arn't the keepers dodge move being toned down to half distance? that would stop you pouncing at a striker too much and landing on him, letting him shoot under your legs.

best thing is to wait for 1.7 and test the new keeper moves and any other effects.
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Post by BlackFlame »

right without trying topiss anyone of, why does everyone complain to DavidM? in my opinion he and his team have made an excellent gamew and before complaining why dont you see ifyou can makea better one (i know some people arent complaining just suggesting ideas), but come on give him a break
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Post by DavidM »

we gave up on the dodge limitation already, it didnt work so well
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Post by Inphidel »

You know, I sorta found it weird how when your charging your gun and you get hit it effects it when you finally eventually shoot making the aim spurattic. and the same thing for over charging your gun.

I thought it might be interesting to make the gun just not fire, like the presure was releasedthe the air tank do to the sudden jolt or because its a safty mechenism to keep the gun from exploding in your face for filling the chamber witht oo much air to long it..

I think it might change game play a little if you can't just hold the button and launch

increased ball speed would be nice also. not sure if its just me, but the redirrect of a pass doesnt always work. i sometimes end up standing there with the ball when i wanted to just keep it goign :<
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Post by DavidM »

hm, this wouldnt help the game 0_o

its so much more funny when i do a well timed tackling and then see the attacker shoot way off aim :D
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Post by theberkin8or »

nameless just becuase you can't stop pass shots doesn't mean they should be taken out that would be another hit to the fun of db. They aren't hard to save and if you jump out at the O to get a shake shot you are taking a risk that they will pass it by you, if you are having too much trouble with this then just stay in goal=problem solved
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Post by DavidM »

pass shots will stay, no matter what