dribbling (in hopes to save db in NA)

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dribbling (in hopes to save db in NA)

Post by theberkin8or »

Davidm I don't know if you realize this or not but db is dying in NA, it seems every five sentences in ballers (our community irc channel) is db suck or db is dying. I honestly don't know if you care or not but this is happending or can choice to do something about it or not.

imo the way to get the most ppl to stay/come back is to put a dribbling option back in, just like the sprint option. dribbling while it was a bug was fun, it was a lot of fun. It was balanced there was nothing unfair about it becuase:
1. it is fairly easly to stop if a defender knows it is coming
2. you can not pass the ball while dribbling so you are taking a risk doing it
3. if the O got behind the D they can just boost back

plus it was just a lot of fun, i understand the reasons it was takin out but right now db needs as many fun elements as possible, or it is going to die soon (at least in NA)

i know the answer is probably "stfu n00b" but I am just trying to save db in NA becuase it is a game that i love to play and it is going to die if nothing is done. :\
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Post by speedy »

yay for dribbling!
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Post by Rampart »

Well... personally.. I would like to see the slowdown implimented so that instead of almost imediately slowing down when you catch the ball, you fade into a slower speed. Same for speeding up.

That way, if you are a good dribbler, you will be moving the ball quickly, and will maintain a high speed (although because there would always be some slowdown, you would get a better result with high skill and timing, rather than poor skill, in which case you would be putting the ball in the open, and only moving slightly faster than 75%. Whereas the better dribblers would be moving near 90%.

It is most comparable to bunny hopping in TFC. People who put the effort into getting the timing down get a sizeable reqard for their efforts (not to mention it takes like 5x as much concentration to move in an effecient path bunny hopping as it does just walking). But any old joe won't go around being able to do it.

It would also end up putting some focus on personal training. Better trained attackers would be in a slightly better position against a good defense than weak attackers.

The only problem, is that I am unsure of how gradual slowdown and speed up would work as far as actual code. I would assume it would be a play on the friction engine, that or just a spike up in speed ever .05 seconds or something
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Post by theberkin8or »

ramp let keep it simple until davidm say no and then we can dream :p
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Post by beefsack »

i think getting rid of boosting is more important imo :S dribbling is just another thing you have to try to teach n00bs to do when they start playing, and it doesnt take skill either, it just eventually become a necessity :(
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Boosting is fine, only too powerful.

Back on topic, i agree....dribbling makes D a whole lot funner...and it may actually draw defenders out of the Pbox......think of the possibilities!
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Post by DavidM »

no matter what i do
many don't like it
when we remove the slowdown after a too slow ball ("dribberling" back in) 50% yell at me that it was good that its gone
with all things its like that

then some want boost gone...when i do that i have 95% of the db players against me

only way out i see is that we make 2 versions, so you can choose between 2 gameplay types (i wont make all values free configurable, because every server you join is totally different then, so 2 should be the max)

Most people like the current way, so i keep on doing that. but we could add "deathball playstyle 2" or something
but what do you wanna changed?
Last edited by DavidM on 04-05-2003 09:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JODECI »

When you say you want dribbling back, are you talking about where you shoot at the floor and it bounces back up to you and u get a speed boost?
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Post by DavidM »

no...you just keep almost the same speed as without the ball
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Post by JODECI »

In real life football, when u have possession of the ball you dont tend to run as fast as you do when you dont have the ball as you have to keep control of the ball at ur feet.

imo realistically this feature is correct, altho ppl want it more fun then realistic.

I dont see what is wrong with the way it is set at the moment, if a defender catches you up or gets boosted back then you just pass to ur attack partner who should be up along side you or you take a long shot before the defender reaches you.

In that situation i pass the ball back to the midfield player make a break to one of the corners and wait for the pass or cross etc.
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Post by Rampart »

only way out i see is that we make 2 versions, so you can choose between 2 gameplay types (i wont make all values free configurable, because every server you join is totally different then, so 2 should be the max)

Most people like the current way, so i keep on doing that. but we could add "deathball playstyle 2" or something
but what do you wanna changed?
I think that's a respectable goal... Its going to be a generic fuckton (larger than a metric fuckton) of work for you, unless you put somone else on the team in charge of playstyle 2 balance.

I'm kinda busy right now, but I'm sure some other people will have some input... When I get the time I'll write some random stuff. Would you happen to have a list of viable variables currently implimented? So that there aren't requests for stuff you would have to code. It would already be a lit of work... we don't need to add more...
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Post by theberkin8or »

davidm, if you are serious about the possiblity of making two different play styles (i would argue that you already have with sprint) i think your best bet is to make a db NA and db euro. I know this has been joked around a lot but from what i see and hear from the NA side ppl would love to have dribble back, i have no clue about euro. Agian i have no clue if this is something you would seriously do but if where do it (In NA and euro way) the best way i can see is have a poll.

btw i know it isn't easy to please everyone and then at the same time stay true to what you want out of the game, thank you for trying
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Post by DavidM »

rampart, all values are in the changes/versions log

berk, uhm no 0_o
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Post by Surge »

for some1 that doesnt even do that coding thats a lazy responce...

besides, i'm sure some one over here wouln't mind doing a lot of the coding, youd just have to approve it

*pokes Blaaguuu*
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Post by DavidM »

i'd love to have some motivated coders on team for once (those who seriously play the game eg)
i feel our coders dont care about the game at all