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Post by Feep! »

to indicate that you have the ball...

maybe it's possible to add a little corona skin
to the little green light that pops out?

or have it spin like a police light? ;)
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Post by Onge »

A visible sign is definately required when you have the ball.

Some of us play with the sound off from time to time (to appease nagging wives).

Perhaps text on the HUD saying "You Have The Ball" should be visible when you are in possession, which only goes when you pass or die. Then at least you don't have to rely on sounds
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Post by The_One »

Sycophant wrote: Some of us play with the sound off from time to time (to appease nagging wives).

sounds like headphones would be a great investment then.
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Post by Onge »

Some of us aren't allowed to waste money on non-essential items like headphones (to appease nagging wives)
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Post by Large Potato »

Then the nagging wife will know he isnt listening as well :p
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Some of us are whipped. :D
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Post by The_One »

you poor things. :p
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Post by Larc »

headphones cost between the price of a candy bar and a car payment... i'm sure you can find something that would work.

though a small quick screen shake when you catch it might work... (the ball impacting you)... though that doesn't make too much sense, the ball sure acts like its only slightly heavier than air.
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Post by Rampart »

Would it be possible to have like half the side of the gun open up and reveal the ball inside when you have it? then when you fire, the side slams down covering it? Or is that beyond the scope of teh engine?

I just figured it would be a nice big visual indicator.
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Post by Larc »

interesting idea... or something as easy as changing an indicator light on the gun? heh, if its possible, why not put the charge bar on the gun too
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Post by Feep! »

the new gun and its animation are great -
yet i miss the special effect my shieldgun made.

the purely mechanical action of the slide doesn't quite convince me that it's able to reach and and decently propel the ball when volleying. i imagine that the same special effect as the shieldgun's would look nice - in a light blue that looks somewhat like compressed air (?)
without an effect you can't really see who's firing their gun either.
am i too demanding? :o
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Post by Killing_U »

how about a light on the gun
when u got ball it lights up and when u throw it it turns off
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Post by Dazlin »

a simple skin change if you have the ball the gun is the silver version of it and when not it is blue or red (what ever team you are in)
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Post by Maegrim »

Killing_U wrote: how about a light on the gun
when u got ball it lights up and when u throw it it turns off

did you even read the first post?
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Having the charge bar on the gun would be very cool. having a light on the gun, or some kind of physical change in the gun to indicate ball posession seems more realistic to me than having the skin change.

P.S. I have headphones. :P