What are notpr0ners like?

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Post by ulf_h »

Bye Enia!
Are you going back to Greece maybe?

If so, I envy you, I just love that country! :)
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Post by DavidM »

I can assure that Junimond is very special, very honest, very nice, pretty smart....
someone you can always trust and who is always there for you

My personality? Well I.....ehm.....I don't like to describe myself. Well I don't like going to parties, I don't drink, I don't smoke....because I find it stupid and boring and I have no life :)

Interests? (only 1. is in a particular order)
1. Susi
2. Piano/Songwriting
3. Gamedesign, Graphic design
4. Reading/Playing Games/TV (for the non-creative part)
5. Football, Billard, Darts

Watching sports?
Football mainly, but I could live without it. Snooker everytime...
Formula1 sometimes, Tour the France when it's on....

Do you like Video or Computer games?
ya ffs! it's my job

What kind of games?
I can play all if it's well made.
Real Time Strategy (Command & Conquer etc), Adventures (Monkey Island, Grim Fandango), FPS (Unreal, Slinter Cell3), Racing (F1 Simulator, Trackmania...), Simulations (Sim City 4...), Tactics (Desperados)

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Just got into Discworld, Terry Pratchett. Pretty good.....
Oh and Donald Duck stories :D

What kind of movies do you like?
Movies that got something special and creative...
Groundhog Day, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, Taking Lives, Jurassic Park...

What kind of music?
Neoswing (!!!), even if NOBODY knows it...especially here, but that makes it even better!
Blues, Rockabilly, Ska and that stuff

ok so much for me :]
Last edited by DavidM on 31-05-2005 10:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Enia »

Yes I do :)

junimond, ulf_h thank you I hope to see you all here soon...

well as I said I should disolve my computer into peaces now so this should be my last post (for now)...sorry for the irrelevant interval to the thread...bye :)
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Post by ulf_h »

Thanks David!
I'm honored by your visit!

But honestly: Are you a real notpr0ner? I really feel sorry for you cause you can't have the pleasure to solve the genius riddles you have created yourself!
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Re: What are notpr0ners like?

Post by supamom »

How would you describe your personality?
Me, well i'd call myself a bit of an extrovert on here, not me in reality though. I love to come on here and chat and let my imagination run wild, whilst solving some totally mind blowing riddles that i would never have attempted 12 months ago.

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I love reading fantasy books, do the odd cross stitch, but my favorite thing is spending time with my children i guess.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
I love camping, taking the children on nature walks, taking them to Zoos and wildlife parks, picnics, walks in the park, feeding the ducks. I guess i just like to be in the great outdoors.

Do you like to watch sports?
No, I HATE WATCHING SPORT, with the sole exception of motor racing.

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Not really no, not very good at them so don't tend to bother with them much.

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Already answered this one really. Yes i LOVE to read, and am curently reading the latest David Eddings book.

What kind of movies do you like?
Oh god, this list could get big. I like loads of different things, black comedy, drama, horror, childrens movies, sci-fi, fantasy!

What kind of music?
Again, the list would be endless. Like a wide range of music really.

I wouldn't say i am anything special, i am just my own individual as we all are.
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Post by DavidM »

instead i could solve the 1000 notpron follower riddles, but im a bit scared away because most are unfair stuff....so i stopped solving riddles at all :S
well, i'm no riddler I guess
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Post by ulf_h »

DavidM wrote: well, i'm no riddler I guess

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Post by Springer »

Enia wrote:
well as I said I should disolve my computer into peaces now so this should be my last post (for now)...sorry for the irrelevant interval to the thread...bye :)

Oooooooo, Enia, we will miss you until get resettled and are able to join us again.
We'll look forward to you being back with us VERY soon and GOOD LUCK! :D
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Post by Kaliel »

How would you describe your personality?
Well, i hate do describe myself, i think people have to do this for me..

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I love to be with my friends, to discover new things, i´m very curious, like to have challenges and win then =)

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
How i´m brazilian and i live in Florianópolis, i love to go to the beach, and be with my friends at the shopping, at the beach etc...

Do you like to watch sports?
Yes, I live on the soccer country =) so like to practice it and watch the games at the tv

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Love to read RPG Books, fantasy books, mystery books =)

What kind of movies do you like?
adventure, drama, terror and humor

What kind of music?
I like all, but principally Metal and Hard Rock!
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Post by Kiz »

haHA! I knew DavidM had to have played Monkey Island! Look behind you, a three headed monkey! Ahahaharoflolhahaha that never gets old.

ok calm now.

How would you describe your personality? suspicious and paranoid :D

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I like to read, walk or drive around and see whats new, visit new restaurants, debate with my friends on current events... actually I'm pretty boring ;_;

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Eat :D no seriously... if I am traveling, I like to sample the local cuisine :P

Do you like to watch sports? no.

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games? Not really, because I am bad at them. The only video game I was halfway decent at was Tetris, and that got old. I do like riddle games like Myst (I <3 Myst, whoever took my Myst game, give it back :( I'd hunt you down but I don't know who you are) but since my computer system is crap, I can't really run games on it.

Do you like to read? What kind of books? All kinds of books :D both fiction and non-fiction. A lot of sci-fi and fantasy, and lately I found that biographies of famous people are not boring.

What kind of movies do you like? Adventure and comedy
What kind of music? alternative rock and sarah brightman

I dunno about other notproners, but I have noticed that if there is no answer to something, I must find the answer :(
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Re: What are notpr0ners like?

Post by frkyjenn »

How would you describe your personality?
Laid back and fun loving. I'm a real people person and a good friend. I've never met a stranger.

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Anything that has to do with my children. They are my world and are growing way to fast. I spent way to many years working and missed to much of their lives. I recently became unemployed so now I spend all their free time with them (which isn't often enough because of school and sports). I love to be outside.. either working in my garden or walking the country. I live in one of the best places in the world. Within an hour of my house, in any given direction, I can either be at the ocean or deep into the woods.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Spend time with family. Or go to Las Vegas. Vegas is my one downfall in life. I would live there if life were different

Do you like to watch sports?
Only live.. and it's either softball or baseball. Occasionaly basketball and soccer..but only if my kids are involved

Do you like Video or Computer games?Yes

What kind of games?
Simulation games.. my newest addiction is Sims 2. But I also play Sim City 4 on occasion. Oh.. and I'm addicted to freeslots.com because I can pretend I'm in Vegas without spending any money.

Do you like to read?

What kind of books?
I like true crime books but will read anything that has suspense/cops/bad guys. I'm currently reading James Pattersons "The Big Bad Wolf"

What kind of movies do you like?
I like romance and comedy. But I rarely watch movies.

What kind of music?
hahaha.. If it has a beat I'll listen to it. I like everything from A-Z.. I'm currently in my "country" music mood. Tomorrow that might change. ;)
Last edited by frkyjenn on 31-05-2005 03:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kisa »

DavidM wrote: I can assure that Junimond is very special, very honest, very nice, pretty smart....
someone you can always trust and who is always there for you
Oh yes! I fully agree!

How would you describe your personality?
Not at all :)

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Cats. Books. Movies. Learning Esperanto.

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Doing nothing, or maybe swimming, watching movies in the cinema ... No time though ...

Do you like to watch sports?
No. Well, Snooker sometimes.

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Age of Kings. I'm playing it for years now :D Some puzzling games (mostly online).

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Science fiction (Douglas Adams, Hans Dominik, K.H. Scheer, Star Trek novels, etc.). Mangas (nearly all kinds of). Books about cats (e.g. Lillian Jackson Braun). A little bit Fantasy (Tanith Lee). My bookshelves need a whole room at home :)

What kind of movies do you like?
Lord of the Rings, Matrix, 5th Element, Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Men (Yes, I like movies about super heroes, too!). I watched American Pie, Life of Brian, Pulp Fiction, From Dusk Till Dawn and things like that.

What kind of music?
Alphabetical: Anastacia, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Michael Jackson, Münchner Freiheit, Queen, The Rasmus and many songs from the 80's.

et cetera...
I love my 2 cats; somewhere in the futere, I will have more cats living together with me. That's my personal dream!
Last edited by Kisa on 31-05-2005 09:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jooly »

Quite a few Queen fans in here - maybe that's the common denominator :lol:
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Post by Kisa »

Well, my list is really mixed up, these are just some examples, I also like some (not all!) Nightwish songs :)
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Post by Lizardman »

Here we go...

How would you describe your personality?

What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
Is there anything else beside notpr0n? Oh! Yes, the "other riddles" thread :D

What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Relax...do nothing. But when i'm on holidays i have always a lot of things to do!

Do you like to watch sports?
Moto GP and Formula 1

Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
I used to play a lot. Now not much... Metal Gear Solid...

Do you like to read? What kind of books?
I used to read a lot, too. Stephen King.

What kind of movies do you like?
Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Alien.

What kind of music?
Metallica, Guns n' Roses, Helloween, Hamerfall... Marea, Extremoduro and Mägo de Oz.

(and if it was easier for me to write in English, i could tell more... sorry!)
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