What are notpr0ners like?

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What are notpr0ners like?

Post by ulf_h »

I have a theory: I believe that we who love notpr0n is a special kind of people! I don't know exactly what features or characteristics we've got, but I would like to start this new thread to find out. :)

So here's a little survey poll:

What kind of people are you notpr0ner out there?
How would you describe your personality?
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
Do you like to watch sports?
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
What kind of movies do you like?
What kind of music?
et cetera...

Post by junimond_ »

i'm really not special...i'm regular. don't know how to describe myself :) regular - nothing special about me. i love my son, like working with our horses, i love books and i like to travel. if i have the time i like to meet different cultures (africa is a fantasic continent). i don't play anthing else at my pc (except minesweeper since i know the cheat ;)) hm - thats all :) nothing more to tell about me :)
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Post by ulf_h »

Ah... junimond. You're very modest! I'm sure you're a very special person (like all people actually).

But maybe notpr0ners are generally more modest, peaceful and tranquil than the average person? Are we more thinking than acting perhaps? :)
Last edited by ulf_h on 30-05-2005 20:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jooly »

Interesting question, from what I can tell we're quite a mixed bunch! Lots of people seem to be in computers (not me!), but if I were to guess at a common theme it would have to be tenacity! :)
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Post by ulf_h »

jooly wrote: Interesting question, from what I can tell we're quite a mixed bunch! Lots of people seem to be in computers (not me!), but if I were to guess at a common theme it would have to be tenacity! :)

Yeah! That's self evident! :D

There certainly is something very different with us who stick to this time consuming, often frustrating, activity without giving up!

I told all the people at my work about notpr0n, but NOONE else got caught like me! They do two or three levels and then they give up... (And we work with computers and webb design at my work)

So I repeat: there must be something VERY special about us notpr0ners... :)

Post by junimond_ »

ulf_h wrote: Ah... junimond. You're very modest! I'm sure you're a very special person (like all people actually).

But maybe notpr0ners are generally more modest, peaceful and tranquil than the average person? Are we more thinking than acting perhaps? :)

hm - don't think that...i mean - for one it is a challange to climb the highest mountains, for the next one is collecting stamps the greatest thing on earth. one is solving chess problems - and the man next door is practising to run the new york marathon....for me is every new level my challenge.

and - yes, u are right - everyone in here is special :) that's the thing this froum is for me - a place full of specialists ;) open for a different kind of challenge :)
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Post by DeAugsburg »

If there's anything in common with notpr0ners it must be patience and and ability to concetrate on things and finish them properly. I tell you that's something you need when fixing airsoft-guns or alarm clocks or anything.

I'm a regular Jyväskylän Lyseo High School student = anything else that regular. Naturally I am Star Wars and LOTR-freak, listen to Metallica etc. But on the other hand I prefer Queen's music and fortunately I admire Douglas Adams. My girlfriend often mentions about my personal style to make things (hair, sudden jumps, writing things etc.), and sometimes it's even for good!

I like music and when solving levels like #18 or #47 I have always grinned and thought how difficult they might be for other kinds of people. I used to play much video games, but actually notpron quited that bad habit.
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Post by jooly »

But in the spirit of research, here's my tuppence worth:
How would you describe your personality?
That's a toughy. Some mixture of shy and retiring and boisterous and cocky!
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I read a heck of a lot - almost anything - and run a book club. I wish I had time for more - I'm trying to teach myself languages and the basics of c++, and how to use my sewing machine, but work doesn't leave much time for that, unfortunately. I'm taking a break from Tae Kwon-Do at the moment, because I more often than not work late and miss classes, which is a waste of money because the fee is monthly. I've recently started swimming again, as a stress buster.
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
holidays for me are about exploring places completely different to where I live. I have the slightly snobbish feeling that, if you can drink the tap water, it's not a holiday! Would hate a package or hotel based holiday.
Do you like to watch sports?
What exactly is the point of sitting in your living room watching other people running around in the fresh air?
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Yes, but not often to the point of obsession! Games I have loved have been The Grim Fandango, Ico, Myst and Starship Titanic. Anything that requires quick reactions and killing things doesn't interest me.
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
I read even more than I notpron! Almost anything, so long as it's not nineteenth century women's fiction, romance or detective novels, really. Like a bit of sci-fi too, especially the likes of John Wyndham. Favourite books: In the adult category - The Plague by Albert Camus (I'm afraid my french isn't good enough to read the original), in the children's category - The Northern Lights trilogy by Philip Pullman. Sheer genius.
What kind of movies do you like?
Probably the same for most people of my generation, things like Pi and Fight Club and all the usual. Plus a few oldies like Twelve Angry Men and Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf?. I have a weakness for superhero movies (got hooked on the x-men comics years ago), and the Hellraiser movies.
What kind of music?
I am a stereotype of my generation! Mostly I listen to nu-metal type bands that were big in the mid nineties. Also love Queen and Buddy Hollie. Tool and a Perfect Circle are current big favourites.

That's me!
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Post by ulf_h »

WOW! Jooly! Thanks!
I wish a lot of people would answer my questions like you, and I could do my PhD on this subject! :)

You are a lot like me, by the way... And many of the things you say about yourself confirms my hypothesis about notpr0ners..

(That you don't like to watch sports and that you prefer adventure games, like Myst and Grim Fandango instead of CounterStrike and other action games for instance)

And thank you for teaching me so many new english words! (like "tenacity", "boisterous", "nattering", "me laddio" etc)
Last edited by ulf_h on 30-05-2005 21:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ulf_h »

Here's an idea:

Maybe notrp0ners are "researchers" and "problem solvers", who search for (intellectual) solutions in real life too?

Do you notpr0ner, who read this, agree with the statement above?

Speaking for myself, I like to find solutions IRL too. And (which is interesting or maybe worrying) I prefer to look at the world as "solveable", as intelligible...

Therefore I like a riddle that has a creator, so that I KNOW it has a solution... But is life really like that? What if it's just a mess, with no meaning, what so ever? (Frightening!)

So: maybe notpr0n is a search for the meaning with life? :eek:

Post by junimond_ »

every problem has a solution - in some religions people think the way to find a solution is to remember it. thinking like this helps me often to change my point of view. it makes a situation that seams unsolvable for me easier - cause i'm thinking the other way round then :) remembering asolution or an answer is sometimes easier than to search for it ;)
maybe notp0n is a search for the meaning with life?
no - not for me. we all know that the answer for the meaning of life is 42 - so it must be something different with it :)
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Post by Enia »

Forgive me ulf_h for maybe spaming your thread but I couldnt find any other place to say to all notproners goodbye for quite a long time, have a nice time riddling and I hope to catch you soon...I was very happy meeting here many interesting and friendly people...I will miss you :)

...and as for how I am like..hmmm a little bit of everything...I wish I knew...I am changing favourites and habits all the time :)

see you....
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Post by ulf_h »

Enia wrote: Forgive me ulf_h for maybe spaming your thread but I couldnt find any other place to say to all notproners goodbye for quite a long time, have a nice time riddling and I hope to catch you soon...I was very happy meeting here many interesting and friendly people...I will miss you :)
I don't mind the spam, but I'm sorry to hear you're leaving Enia!
Do you really HAVE to? Hope to see you soon again, anyway! :)
...and as for how I am like..hmmm a little bit of everything...I wish I knew...I am changing favourites and habits all the time :)

Is that why you leave notpr0n maybe? ;)
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Post by Enia »

LOL no!! I am leaving because I have to change country permanently and I dont know when I can be online again;)
I like being here...I would not have said a public goodbye if I wanted to stop being here ;)

Post by junimond_ »

bye bye enia - hope to see u here again soon :) bon voyage :)
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