1.7 beta :/

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1.7 beta :/

Post by Harold|ZBN »

it is still beta but i hope some things get changed. :/ i noticed a couple of things that didnt seem to be in the changes list.

1. fully charged shot seemed slower then normal, less powerfull
2. keeper dodge speed sucks. dodge only gets u half as far as it did. i mean just dodge not dodge-jump.

about 1.7

the gun is 2 small. :/ cant judge properly where some1 is aiming. if the dodge really does get slower volley latency should get removed, dodging really changed the way i keep. i got better with it i think but if u cut down on dodge speed its no use. keeper would only be in goal to catch weak balls. all well shot balls will go in, even from outside the penalty zone. 4 jumps for a keeper :s erm dunno what thats good for. keeper seems to get harder every new version while attacking gets easier. :/ really whats wrong with the keeper not having volley latency. theres really no reason to have a keeper volley latency at all. esp. with the small radius keeper seem to have.

I really do hope keeper gameplay would stay a the same for 1 upgrade or so... this is really turning into a bad joke atm. and i really like deathball aswell. keep this up and ull make me cry :confused:
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Post by Large Potato »

Keeping without dodge isnt that hard, i rarely if ever dodge. You just gotta use anticipation

I agree about the volley latency tho, should be cut down to 0.4 seconds imo
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Post by Killing_U »

what ^^^^^he^^^^^^said
::not even sure what volley latency is::
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Post by DavidM »

1." fully charged shot seemed slower then normal, less powerfull"

ehm well....no

2. "keeper dodge speed sucks. dodge only gets u half as far as it did. i mean just dodge not dodge-jump. "
its too avoid keeper dodge laming... as said in the changes log
its kinda skill-less keeping if you stand in the right corner and just dodge into the left

you have to be in the middle and show some skill

3.keeper volley latency
sucks without one, they can get every ball easily

lowering it.....maybe
its very hard to find a good value
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Post by Rens2Sea »

DavidM wrote: you have to be in the middle and show some skill

Can't you hear yourself? You are making db like YOU want, YOU think keeping is too easy, so YOU just fuck it up, as usual...

Ever heard of "listening to the community"? :mad:

Nobody EVER had any complaints about the keeper dodging, tho YOU don't like it, so it is fucked now...
Typical DavidM...:mad:
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Actually people did. It was in a different thread.
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Howmany? 2?

Btw, DavidM, change the game name to SissyBall, because that's what it is now.
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Post by theberkin8or »

i don't keep, but if what he said is true, and you have to stay in the middle, then it was a good change. for one if you do it right then (assuming of course this is true) then stoping shots shouldn't be much more differicult and two it forces the keeper to possition themselves better which imo is good becuase though keeper isn't an easy job it doesn't have quite the stratigy (or it seems to me) that it should as a good soccer keeper knows skill is important but just as important is possitioning. my only arguement against this is that it is going to drive off keepers.

one question though does this only affect the left to right dodge or the up and down as well, becuase if it does then i think you might have to consider either changing that or scraping this idea becuase the keepers ablity to jump out a kill some one is not only fun but it is very stragitegic in forcing the O player to be on his toes.

btw as much as you hate the fact, but right now this is davidm's game, i understand the frustration with feeling like your wishs are never heard but someone has to make the decisions, democracy would probably not be a good choice in deciding how to make games (pure democracy or "listening the community" rarely is), i would like to see a bit more openness to other's ideas but if you main arguement every time he puts out an idea is "you suck so that is why you want to change it" (which i beleave was the main arguement used against this idea) that simply is not going to get you anywhere.
Last edited by theberkin8or on 24-04-2003 06:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rens2Sea »

theberkin8or wrote: i don't keep,

Then stfu:ban:
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Post by Larc »

where can we download the latest beta? i saw a few dl links... but the news after it talked about bug fixes... does this mean that bugs have been fixed after the versions out there, or is it not a big deal?

about the keeper dodging... i hate seeing people stand one one side and dodge across, keeping is about more than reaction time. (though if you are smart you can think of ways around it... i aimed at half a dodge width away from the keeper and at the ground, hey flew right over it....

anyway, i keep, and use dodge sparingly, i rely on good positioning, cutting down the angle and stuff like that... so i like the change... but i am worried about how this will affect my ability to get back in position... if i go and cover a guy and they pass, i might not be able to cover my backside as quicly... i'll have to see.
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Post by Axl »

tbh you really HAVE to listen to Harold about keeping.. he is prolly the best keeper out there, and prolly knows more about keeping than anyone..

And I agree with you rens, there was NOTHING wrong with keeping before, so why change it? to make it easier for DavidM to score?! I think so :(
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Don't fix it if it aint broke:mad:
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

LMFAO really davidm i want to see some demos of clan matches where keepers stand in the far left corner and dodge to the right. lmao. im pretty much ALWAYS in the middle of my goal, i sometimes stand on the side of the goal to make an attacker shoot earlier then he should then i dodge back and intercept (hopefully) ;) besides if a keeper would stand on 1 side of the goal any half assed attacker can pass-shoot it past him from the edge of the penalty zone. and no reply about the tiny gun?


i ALWAYS use positioning. coming out of my goal to the line and quickly dodging back to the net... not gonna work now with silly dodge speed. and NO my main arguement isnt that davidm changes it coz he sucks or something... it is that keepers gameplay gets changed EVERY new version. being a keeper is HARD, but having an ATTACKER change the way the keeper plays is silly. also how many players play really dedicated keeper? not much so chances are that not many players REALLY KNOW how this affects keepers in game.
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Harold|ZBN wrote: also how many players play really dedicated keeper? not much so chances are that not many players REALLY KNOW how this affects keepers in game.

Well said \o/
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Post by Feep! »

New keeper dodge = D'OH!