jr you obviously didn't understand where i was coming from, this was not a attack on the validity of volley only, it was just saying that if i was a n00b right now i probably wouldn't know that there was anything besides volley only due to the amount that it gets played(and thus wouldn't be playing cuz i wouldn't have seen what hooked me to db, the great passing). we have a pretifecly good right to say we are tried of volley only, i find it very hard to find a non volley only game even though that is what i would rather be playing, that is my complaint and i feel it is a valid one.
also your memory is very selective, i beleave there are close to as many "add this to db" ideas as remove this, certianly some of them are to "remove" something that is felt to hurt game play but they are still adding something in terms of gameplay not just removing them.
btw next time trying not to bitch so much when writing a thread about how you don't like bitching
Last edited by theberkin8or on 21-04-2003 12:52, edited 1 time in total.
Yah maybes it's more of an American Server problem.
We don't have as many servers to choose from so it's not as simple as saying if you don't like it, go somewhere else. Many times over this last weekend i logged in and scanned the servers only to find that my 2 or 3 options were all SC. Sometimes i would give it a go, but most times i just closed ut03.
I see it a lot too.. getting really sick of seeing all the populated servers running SC over and over or people requesting it endlessly on the box I admin..
Well, maybe it's popular as a fast action fix, but as far as actual deathball gameplay, it's not cutting it for me.
IMO V/O on november is the only V/O i enjoy cos it's a challenge..FFS any1 can set themselves up 4 a volley against a wall...don't see many volleys from crosses tho do you?.
..DB – team game my ass.
Oh...and i agree V/O is putting n00bs off...i have been told so by about 4 people now...which is why we don't play volley only much on our server...cos 1/2 the people on there can't volley.
Last edited by f1end on 22-04-2003 12:06, edited 1 time in total.
vo was fun at first now its just getting ghey
plus half the noobs dont kno what voli is (they dont kno how to pass either)
ahh sc was great 2vs2 now w/ 6vs6 it is not fun at all
Last edited by Killing_U on 23-04-2003 02:20, edited 1 time in total.