my desktop sheet

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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

lol yeah i have a legal notepad and i have to write EVERYTHING down or i i use bout 1 sheet a lvl lol
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Post by Serendipity »

I use the Windows Notepad (the text editor) to write everything down. Highly useful. ;)

Post by junimond_ »

i'm using :D

thx to kisa for this useful link :)
Last edited by junimond_ on 30-04-2005 16:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jay2k1 »

Serendipity wrote: I use the Windows Notepad (the text editor) to write everything down. Highly useful. ;)

Same here. And its quickly opened. Just press win+r, type "notepad" and press enter. Bang, there it is.
Also often used as an advanced clipboard for bigger copy&paste things.
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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

i wood use that.......but i have a issue with that......i only speak english and spanish i have no unearthly idea wat the hell its saying
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Post by Serendipity »

You can use StickIt, should be about the same type of program, and it's in English.
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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

im good with my legal pad...i just have to hide it from the 11 yr old monster of a brother at night lol and plus he wood hack into it and change all my notes
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Post by Bazje »

fastpitchgirl501 wrote: i wood use that.......but i have a issue with that......i only speak english and spanish i have no unearthly idea wat the hell its saying

Come on!....a bit genius speaks german, english, french and ofcourse dutch!
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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

like i sed....i have barely mastered english....wat the hell makes u think that i can master all them????
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Post by puckoberon »

With you Bazje, but I have to admit that we're a strange people. Making all the effort trying to speak any different language we come across.
As for the electronic notepads, nah, I'm kinda old fashioned. And it's easier to put arrows and such from hint to hint in.
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Miss Hammett
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Post by Miss Hammett »

fastpitchgirl, vives en EEUU y no dominas el inglés???

(Means: you live in the US and you barely master English?? Just felt like using my mother tongue here for once... ^^U)
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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

si, solo yo lo signifique sarcasticamente! mi primer idioma es ingles y soy casi con soltura en espanol. Las clases muy divertidas!!!

Last edited by fastpitchgirl501 on 01-05-2005 17:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelsk »

I use, then it's avialalbe from wherever I am :)
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Post by fastpitchgirl501 »

o yeah i forgot bout lil bro wood hack into it tho:( :mad: he really ticks me off sumtimes.but o well i gess i will have to keep hiding my legal pad......although i am running outta space in my room:confused:
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Post by spawn89 »

for some reason i cant explane i was surprised when i saw your keyboard.

when i think of DavidM i would rather expect a keyboard that looks like mine:
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