i hate volley only

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Post by Infinism »

A lot of people who don't like volley only aren't very good at volleys - I gurantee you'll like it once you get good. Same goes for if you think 5v5 is too busy, it's just that you aren't aggressive enough :)
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Post by night »

i made a little bit widened version of smallcube for 5v5 v/o. never put it anywhere yet though.

but my prob with volley only, is now in real matches, all anyone ever does is volley the damn thing. gets very fuckin old
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Post by Fooman »

As someone who plays on both American and European servers I've noticed that European games are almlost always volley only. If it isn't a stated "rule" then it's people always using the wall even if there is an open man with an open shot. Granted this also happens in American servers but not near as much. I thought DB was about teamwork and perfect passes; which is why i have this binded: "That wall is the absolute worst thing to happen to DB."
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Post by night »

omg thats funny. some ppl can verify this, but just yesterday, i made a version of smallcube with the back walls slanted back so u cant self pass.

the no self volley should be on by default.
ppl did nothing but bitch and whine about sprint, but volley is doing more harm to this game than sprint ever could.

damn whiners to proud to change the way they play. ytf do/did ppl bitch about sprint then complain the game is getting stale at the same time :rolleyes:. everyone wants the game to stay fun, but they dont want to give up some of their ability and *learned* skill to get there.

see, this is why i cant come here. i get really pissed at all this shit....
Last edited by night on 14-04-2003 06:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by f1end »

What annpoys me is when people come on MY clans server and try and tell every1 it's volley only...and when I tell them "No it's not, it's our server" they just get abusive and get themselves banned ;)
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Post by BL44T »

Smallcube Sunday on the RusH server rocks cause almost every1 pings very well to it.
If u live in teh US yeah.. i always got a 100+ ping, but nvm, v/o on RusH's server still rox :)
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Post by Killing_U »

even though i never get a ping better that 200 i love vo it is just more exciting. and also i believe voli sunday should be made a wekly event on all servres so we can hav fun:)
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Post by Fooman »

God no.
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Post by night »

the fact that smallcube now == volley only is more than enough
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Post by Surge »

so is tribun sometimes... only ones that are never volley only are Legofan and November... well, legofan maybe but its hard cause of the wall textures on a few spots
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Post by FireCell »

If played many games of volley only on november and they dont seem to cause much hassle and with lego fan i have played hundreds of volley only games there.
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Post by Maegrim »

volley only on november :rolleyes:
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Post by speedy »

Infinism wrote: A lot of people who don't like volley only aren't very good at volleys - I gurantee you'll like it once you get good. Same goes for if you think 5v5 is too busy, it's just that you aren't aggressive enough :)

why did you assume i am crap at volleys?
i am good at volleys but most of the time i go to a server its volley only. since i don't get to play normal shots in a long time, i will get crapper at normal shots and this is bad for clan matches :(
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

that and 5 people all leaping for the same ball just aint no fun
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Post by kaot »

that and 5 people all leaping for the same ball just aint no fun

so you mean you haven't noticed all the rebounds flying around just begging to be stuffed? those are my favorite goals (well, just cuz they're the ones I can actually score sometimes... empty net rebounds... but someone's gotta do it)

rove midfield on smallcube while everyone else is doing the huck-and-jump thing and see what I'm talking about. You score a lot less goals that way, but it's also a good bit less frustrating, and more rewarding cuz you feel all smart and stuff.

But, anyway, I'm getting damn tired of volley only and smallcube too. But you can play smallcube 2v2. When half the players leave a Cube match (because the size of the map makes them feel tiny and insignificant... or something... really I have no idea why they always leave), and it's just 4 or 5 players left, man, that just sucks.