April Fool's Level MINUS 26

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, amh

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Post by rioting »

David M is pure evil; that's all I have to say.

Post by david_g »

1st question: should I ignore the thing that looks like the answer that I can't read?

2nd question: do I need to communicate with DavidM himself for this one?
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Post by frkyjenn »

Can I get a hint over here please?

PM me a spoiler. I got cash. ;)
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Post by hi_billy »

frkyjenn wrote: Can I get a hint over here please?

PM me a spoiler. I got cash. ;)

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Post by rioting »

give up on it for a while; sleep on it, take a break; do what you have to kill some time, and then come back to it
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Post by frkyjenn »

My head hurts..

And I have no takers for cash.

So, I shall leave it for now and come back later.

Post by david_g »

I don't understand how there could be any time-dependence to this. I doubt DavidM is sitting there updating the riddle every 20 minutes or anything like that.

Do I need to obtain the answer from somewhere whose url doesn't start out as http://deathball.net?
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Post by veryhardgame »

So now is this level possible?
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Post by hi_billy »

got it....David is f*** ....=,=
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Post by veryhardgame »

Can I have a hint?
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Post by hi_billy »

somehow, david_g is right .........DavidM should be here with us............^^...........

come to say hi...DavidM.....i got you...XD

Post by david_g »

Do I need to talk to DavidM on irc and ask him what the answer is myself?
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Post by hi_billy »

david_g :....where is DavidM now.?.....still in Paris ?

Post by david_g »

I didn't think he was in Paris anymore. He was supposed to go home yesterday (Wednesday). I'd assume he's in Saarbruken now.

I don't see what that has to do with it at all.
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Post by hi_billy »

Quote from garg : "I'm saying that we should seriously consider waiting this one out."..

david_g ...you are close......
pm me if want more clues........
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