Cancel shot

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Cancel shot

Post by FAT('.')BOY »

One of the questions you slags probably all know the answer to but I dont.... again =)

Quite often on D you go to hit an attacker and the ball will transfer to you. Prob is you quite often start charging for the second hit before you realise and as you have the ball it will be a shot, which you dont want to do.

So is there a way to cancel as shot once you have started charging and if not could there be, something like hitting altfire whilst charging?

not sure if this could be abused on attack though, you charge up, the d comits, so you cancel and jink round for a tap in.... dunno
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

ahhh proving my noobishness beyond a doubt

A little research shows this was in earlier versions but was taken out

what was wrong with it?
Last edited by FAT('.')BOY on 12-04-2003 09:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Hermit »

People would just keep firing almost constantly.
Total lack of skill.
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Post by Scotteh »

Umm, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the reason why they took it out is because it caused more shootbugs...
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Post by DavidM »

canceling a shot cannot be added

will be unfair for defenders
canceling a pass should work, i dont see any problems
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Post by jet2lag »

hm it worked well for me as it was inplemented, but i agree with daivdM that his would be unfair for defenders.

two things
- yes cancel a pass would be nice sometimes you reliese that the other guy isn't open whil allready pressed the pass button.
- as keeper sometimes you catch tha ball but you wanted to push it with the shildgun - the you charge up accidentely .. but well - shit happens :D
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Post by Axl »

with pass i always hold my finger on the pass button pretty much as soon as i get the ball, and dont release it until someone gets into space or summit..
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Post by Fallen »

would there be a way to modify pass, I know its kinda buggy, but if a power bar went with then pass is would change somewhat how the ball is thrown. That way, if you want to pass behind your guy so the guy defending cant get it, it would be good. On the other hand if you make a weak pass, it would be in front, pass is suppose to more utilize, but I find its sometimes luck when I make a great pass right over everyone but my guy who I wanna hit, and other times, its buggy and falls way short. Cons about this, would be, u could power up a pass into the net, but I was thinking, only using a power-type pass when you have a lock on a fellow player.
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Post by gnomeh »

how bout make the cancel shot work only for passes and if your charge shot is under half way of being charged.
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Post by theberkin8or »

Fallen wrote: would there be a way to modify pass, I know its kinda buggy, but if a power bar went with then pass is would change somewhat how the ball is thrown. That way, if you want to pass behind your guy so the guy defending cant get it, it would be good. On the other hand if you make a weak pass, it would be in front, pass is suppose to more utilize, but I find its sometimes luck when I make a great pass right over everyone but my guy who I wanna hit, and other times, its buggy and falls way short. Cons about this, would be, u could power up a pass into the net, but I was thinking, only using a power-type pass when you have a lock on a fellow player.

that is what lobing it for if you want to get over the D then lob it, we shouldn't make it any easer than that
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Post by Surge »

pass shoulkd have a charge bar too imo... if you release it durring the charge bar which is only like .5 secs to fill it'll be a fast, low shot-like pass and if you hold it pas the bar its a lob pass. Or even better you could target a person and press left click to lock them so you can do crazy no look passes (to a certain extent), basically pass anywhere but directly through your body.
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Post by theberkin8or »

surge correct me if i am wrong but wasn't it you that said that passing was much slower and took to much thought now? this sure sounds a lot like fifa to me....

and being able to pass where you gun isn't pointing one isn't realistic at all and two would be unfair, though i am not sure i completely understand what you meant
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Post by R3L!K »

Pass cancel sounds like a good idea to me. I often get caught about to pass when on offense. But then a shooting opportunity comes up and I'm forced to pass anyway cos the button is held.

Now it could be said that I should only click pass when I intend to. And thats fair enough. I normally do that anyway. But there are occasions when its warranted.

Implementation could be similar to my shoot-cancel technique, only reversed. Viz, left-click(whilst rmb is held) to cancel the pass and start charging the shot. Once charging, the rmb can be released at any time.
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Post by Surge »

berk basically what i ment isnt exactly no look, they would just have to be on your screen so you could do liek side passes and fake out defenders.

And i dont like fifa cause its not deathball... i just wanna be able to pass quickly and accuratly and db lacks the ability to do this w/o using the body volley which is neither accurate or doable on your own.
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Post by f1end »

TEZC-Axl wrote: with pass i always hold my finger on the pass button pretty much as soon as i get the ball, and dont release it until someone gets into space or summit..

Shhhh....don't tell every1...thats what i do 2.