Keeper Quad Jump Poll

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Keeper should have...

I don't care.
Total votes: 73

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Post by Surge »

more jumps = easier to snag the crossbar on the way down :\
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Post by Killing_U »

Leave keep double jump !!!
we all kno how fun it is to go to a pub and play vo in smallcube the quadjump would ruin the fun. keeps would be catchin all the balls :( though as i said b4 there should be a choice (2,3,4) 2 for pub and 4 for league
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Post by Large Potato »

make it triple jump, will force attackers to be more inventive on their solo volley set ups
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Post by nameless »

Leave keep double jump !!!
we all kno how fun it is to go to a pub and play vo in smallcube the quadjump would ruin the fun. keeps would be catchin all the balls
wanna c u keeping while 4 peepz volley-whoring at ur goal ...
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Post by SuBBy »

Good enough keeper? can stop volleys with double jumps...luckily im not a good keeper :p, but back to the point i think it should stay the same.
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Post by DavidM »

the majority was for we use that
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Post by theberkin8or »

um it seems that the "majority" fall well with in the margin of error for such a poll
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Post by Surge »

and what of those that have changed their minds after voting. Polls arnt written in stone. I want a revote
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Post by Scotteh »

Why fix something that ain't broken. Double-jump has proved to be enough for skilled keepers to make all kinds of saves. Gnomeh, who is a very good keeper, is against putting back in quad-jumps, doesn't that say something. Putting in quad-jumps will basically get rid of wall volleys, which are probably 70% out of all vollies made in games (just my guess). The only reason to put it back in is to stop all the ball-hog volley whores out there, mainly the n00bs, because any good O player knows when to pass off and when not too. Its almost impossible to score with a wall volley from the side of the goal cause of the angle that you've got, so the only way to do it, is basically above the keep somewhere. If you set up a volley above a goalies head right now though, with the double-jump, most of the time the keep can hit it away, and if your actually lucky that they don't, the ball usually ends up above your head because you set it up too high. :lol: Besides, what fun will we Americans have with volley sundays if quad-jumps are put back in. :ban: Volley only games are suppose to be fast, high-scoring games, thats what makes them fun.


I didn't get a chance to vote because the poll closed and I think a lot of other's didn't get to vote either so maybe reopen the poll back up or open up another poll for the people that may have changed their minds.;)
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Post by theberkin8or »

:lol: Besides, what fun will we Americans have with volley sundays if quad-jumps are put back in. :ban: Volley only games are suppose to be fast, high-scoring games, thats what makes them fun.

yeah scott i tried to get them to put in an option for the volley only choice, so that volley only sc wouldn't be ruined, but either they didn't understand me or didn't listen (btw if you read this now i meant only have the option that if you have volley only on for thier to be a choice for the keeps to have only double jump)
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Post by Scotteh »

Although I don't want quad-jumps in the game, I think Berk is right and that there should be at least somekind of option or mutator with the volley only games that allow you to choose between quad-jumps or double-jumps.
Another thing that I saw in the versions page on 1.7, there is the option for no self-vollies. I know this is just a option to help you improve your teamwork, but is this really necessary. That's why we have a little thing called DB-Trainingcourt. :D
Before adding any new options or new tactics into the game, I think everyone would like the bugs in the game to be fixed first so that the game can be enjoyed more without the annoyance's of server crashes, shootbugs, gun-switch bug etc....
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Post by Psyche »

Hey Scotteh, the self volley latency is being implemented (i think anyway) to stop the proliferation of the n00b cannon. No complaints from me on that :)

As a keeper, I want Quad Jump back, but do agree it would be nice to turn it off for Volley Only games.
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Post by Scotteh »

Hey Scotteh, the self volley latency is being implemented (i think anyway) to stop the proliferation of the n00b cannon. No complaints from me on that

I wasn't referring to the n00b cannon. I agree with you 100% there, I think the n00b cannon should go because it takes no skill yet you have a faster shot than a fully charged shot. On the versions page under "Other", thats where they talk about no self vollies, which If I'm reading it right, they are adding the option of no self-vollies, meaning you can't hit a volley that you set up yourself.
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Post by bloodmaker »

macht den poll wieder auf! das Ergebniss kippen wir noch ;)
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Image or talk english :mad: