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Post by Fallen »

first of all, if cata can get over 3 defenders in the pbox, the defense must really suxors, I play on defense we box the offense out to make tough shots, if they try to cross that line, the get fuckzors
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Post by fro »

yep the defence really did suck.


(was i the third man? :) )
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Post by GazMaN »

dunno, all i know is he went ksplat!!! :)

o and eng defence suks? lol, yea , nab, froste, nightspirit sure suk :P
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Post by Maegrim »

especially froste is teh sux :p
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Post by [1234]Jr »

"I can name a few players who just use pass goals...but won't reveal their names."

ROFLMFAO!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

You're almost as funny as the Iraqi information minister.. god ur so high n mighty...

Apart from the fact that b4 ur post, i named 2 (incl me) what makes u think everyones gunna jump on ppl who use it? No1 cares! :lol: This is seriously funny

p.s Cata is luckin fucky.. :p

pp.s Invasion + GIBBALL! = better than Ivasion + DB :p
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Post by Maegrim »

invasion + real life = :D :D
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Post by Fallen »

You're almost as funny as the Iraqi information minister.. god ur so high n mighty...

Okay, now that was the stupid thing I've ever heard from an european person. Frankly, I don't give a shit about this topic anymore because its pointless because its getting spammish. Yes I agree half you guys must suck, and if you go into our team page and check out a message by erazer, who I think is the dumbest player I have ever seen, you will see how stupid and shit your comments mean to us.

Cat maybe lucky, but he shouldn't be in that close anyways, hell, when we played their clan, they did very well against us. I would probably consider them having the top defense in all of deathball, considering when we play, we score alot of goals. However, we haven't played more euro teams other than TEZC twice, I bet none can even stand a chance versus these guys. Again I would like say to them, very nice game a few week ago, and if you guys see this, we would like to setup another friendly match, and see if you guys weren't having a off-day.

:rolleyes: If any of you so-called european clans who have what it takes to atleast showup and try to beat us, come try, I've tried to get matches with some clans, however, they usually say, we busy.

cough*when i asked david if cy.13 was free for a match*cough bah...he told me to face that X clan (probably not worth our time to play them)

Fallen aka Bullet
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Post by Killing_U »

Fallen wrote: erazer, who I think is the dumbest player I have ever seen,
what about me? have you forgotten me? :mad:
:D :D :D
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Post by Fallen »

i dont know who you are, you have to stand out more, how bout challenging us wif whatever clan your from
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Post by Killing_U »

i play in ur server all the time dude
im not in a clan cuz i am a professional n00b:) (i hav 56k)
but if you want me to be ur clan mascot then i would love to join v3 or any other clan
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Post by Cyph »

erazer, who I think is the dumbest player I have ever seen
He's better at DB than his written intellect suggests.
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Post by Fallen »

If he is, I haven't seen any thing good about him, except he bullshits about being good. Even if he is a good player, he has to play on a squad who can hold on their own. If that sees this, challenge us wif your ZBN clan, and show up, don't chicken out.
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Post by GazMaN »

and please watever you do , dont compare erazer to the rest of us europeans!

hes harmless, but he likes to type his messages as quik as possible without thinkin, then look back on em l8r :o
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Post by fluffykitten »

Why not generalise the whole of Europe because of one guy who acts like he's permantly on MSN? Oh... right .. you have.
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Post by Maegrim »

However, we haven't played more euro teams other than TEZC twice,
I bet none can even stand a chance versus these guys.
DEUS played TEZC 4-3 and 1-0 for CB last week, two very close matches.
Here is the link, in case you won't believe me.