The only thing I would consider is triple jump for the keep.
This would still allow volleys, but prevent the volley whore "hog" syndrome. It would force the offence to setup a volley for another team member.
Nothing worse than playin in the pubs when nobody sets up a volley unless its for themselves!
This is why i suggested a massively reduced volley power if you were the last person to touch the ball b4 the volley.
i agree w/ cant have too much but cant have too little
btw maybe u could make it so when u make ur game it could say 'amount of goalie jumps allowed' and have a drop-down menu w/ 2,3,4. stupid idea but worth a try imo
double jump is enough for keepers. Why they need to jump so high?
Why does offense need to quadjump??? Why is a soccer-keeper allowed to use his hands while all other players are not??? Why are about 90% of the players whining around when they have to keep on public??? Guess cos it s too easy eh?
y? I m just pissed cos ppl don t want keepers to get quadjump cos they can t volley-whore alone anymore. But if these ppl gotta keep, they just scream around cos they can t catch any shot. And then moaning bout keepers beeing to strong o_O
I dont get your point 0_o
was it a pro for double or for quad? 0_o
If u take out the quadjump for every player in the game (off, def and keep), then doublejump would be enough for keepers
Last edited by nameless on 10-04-2003 14:12, edited 1 time in total.