
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, amh

Do you like spoilers?

No, the fun comes alone from solving it on my own!
From time to time when I'm really stuck...
I regularly keep googling and asking for solutions.
Gimme a list with all answers so I can have fun!!
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Post by opto »

David: I can see the point of not having a spoiler. It forces people to think, which is a good thing. The down side of not having one getting 25 threads of "Need help on level 5", lots of frustration for those who can't get it from hints, eventually a spoiler gets posted anyway, or you lose a player.

I don't think everybody would automatically go to a spoiler. Where's the fun in that?

Look at the poll results so far. Those who like the challenge won't look at a spoiler and most of the rest would like to have the spoiler; either when necessary or just to have fun seeing how the puzzle t works.

Do you really like all this board activity/redundancy?
Last edited by opto on 10-01-2005 23:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

losing players? i dont care?
i dont want the dumbnuts to get through this!
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Post by opto »

You're mean. :lol:
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Post by calitopgun »

With spoilers there is no way to tell who actually had the intellect to get through stuff. Not that is counts for anything but, its a pride things. People like Dirk, Slasher, Junimond, AKTKG, B1ackout, just to name a few, they have proven themselves. we all go hints along the way but it means something to know that they grunted through it just like me.

People that only wanted spoilers like Killersonic...well they were like little children and I frankly didn't want them in the forum. I think you need to earn your way to end...doesn't mean anything otherwise.
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Post by Dirk »

Well said Cali!!!

And I think I speak for the others you mentioned when I say thanks for your comments....
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Post by freakydude »

i am stuck on 12

Post by junimond_ »

search for a level 12 thread, read it, if nothing helps...ask THERE again
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Post by supamom »

Blimey, why do people ask about levels in threads that do not pertain to that level.........................whats wrong with askin on the thread for that level. I've opened up a couple of threads to read on here today, only to find people asking about a specific thread! WHY, WHY, WHY!!!
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Post by triper »

I think they´re to unpatient (read lazy) to go through the forum to find the threads and that they don´t read the "stickys" about the game. The common mentality is: "I need help and right this minute!". Then if they don´t get the help "right this minute", they try other threads to see, if they can get the answer there ;)
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Post by seer »

I needed hints probably like most people do, I never had a spoiler and wouldnt have one.

I am quite surprised that people still post in threads, as there is enough information there at the moment, maybe too much information in some threads.

I PMed one person that looked like they needed help, and asked them what they had with reference to clues etc to their level they were on, they said they had nothing they just wanted the answer. I didnt reply back.
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Post by triper »

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Post by aic2276 »

I don't care for spoilers. But sometimes I do need a push, whether it be little or huge. It's funny, because when I'm not playing notpron, I'm still actually playing it in my mind. friends of mine say I will end up like the guy in A Beautiful Mind, always looking for the code for things.:lol:
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Post by Nickky »

I would like to play the riddle without spoilers, but when you're really stuck (like I am at level 36 right now :rolleyes: )......boy that's frustrating.

I find myself dreaming about it, wake up thinking I've got another way to solve the riddle (with a different program)....and then finding out that this also won't work :mad:

so yes, every now and then I could do with a spoiler....... (and feel embaressed about it )
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Post by olga »

actually, I have used one spoiler for a level that I could by no way figure out! But on the other hand, even with the answer I could not understand how it was connected to the riddle! Never mind, I would have given up ....
I much more prefer hints, and I never google for answers ( spoilers) , it spoils all the fun!!!!
I like to think it over a lot, and then read post by post on the level! Thanx to all of you that give great hints, I like the way your mind works!!!
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Post by obsolete machine »

i only hate it when ive saved passwords and un's for nothing cus they have changed....and when i get prompts from previous levels ie: i was going onto 19 and got prompted with the password from 16 which is deja vu' as a hint that one used to be zo** mu**** but not anymore since its been changed....so i cant simply continue where ileft off..... [that have been changed since] whilst im on another level...and have to go back by force...cus the pass i have doesnt work...so now in total i would have started the game 3 times...

and now all diff passwords...damn...but im stuck now on 8..cus the damn mp3 wont get d/l

if ne one reads this, cus ive been posting for quite some time now..about this problem...help me pls....
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