personally i usually make fun of n00bs when were playing in an important game but if im just fuckin around then i will help u
im pretty sure DavidM made TrainingCourt for a reason]
stop bitching and whining that ppl make fun of u its just a part of life
assign certain buttons to write long messages such as "behind if u need"
i hate jerks to, 10 minutes ago i was in a game and some dude called [220]noskills comes in and he suddenly calls everybody noobs, so i got annoyed because he really suxxor my boxxor and i started calling him my rolemodel and stuff, he got annoyed to and then some other fuxxorhead came and said RaGe stfu slut, those jerks just have some kind of code or something to help eachother, i hate em
DavidM wrote:
fatboy is right
just get a clan (we got clan forums for this), that will make it much more enjoyable
You know how long I played DB before I even started surfin the web and reading the forums about DB just to get better at the game? Once I improved my skillz and decided to "devote" my time to DB to find a clan, nobody wanted me!! I worked hard to get my ass in a clan!!!!
The best thing to do is be n00b friendly. Too many DB'ers have HUGE egos. If your playin in the pubs, don't expect to have a championship match. Play the pubs for practice and NOT to show off!!
But.....there are those newbies who are just really bad players or are just being jerks. Be patient in the beginning, but if the lameness persist "ask" them to leave. If they don't, then KICK 'em
Killing_U wrote:
is jerks really the worst name u could make up for us?
try motherfucker or cocksucker
jerks makes u look like u like the same sex as ur own
How bout i call you a newbie too?
Seems like you cant get over the fact that other people have to learn the game too
Dear Disturbed,
I truly dont give a fuck what u call me, i kno im not good but that is because i am playing on 56k and usually the server is far away from my house and yes i do suck because of lack of skill. I can even give you a couple names for u to call me such as slut, shithead, cocksucker. i truly w/ all my heart do not give a fuck.
Yours Truly
Last edited by Killing_U on 07-04-2003 21:56, edited 1 time in total.
the deathball community is one of the friendliest communities i know imo
i played bunches of online games , like mohaa , tribes2 , rtcw , americas army , and go on :p
helped betatesting mods too
the deathball community may look anti-n00bish , but thats because it is realy an intense team game , if 1 or 2 screw it up , its over :p
n/o but if you wanna practise goalshots download 1.7 beta and play a botmatch
if you wanna prac keeping , host your server and ask somebody to practise shots on you on db-trainingcourt
I work both sides when playing a good match and a noob joins i am patient at first and will except the same mistake a couple of times but if they dont learn after that i can get moody =P. I dont see myself as good but im not a noob anymore and ive taken time out on servers with 3 or 4 people to show them some basic tactics. I dont understand the type of noob that runs at the goal and then drops the ball at the keepers feet i mean it doesn't really make any sense so that will force a response from me and it wont be "nice 1" =D Ive not really played American servers my ping sux to much to bother, at night you will generally find some good games with the euro peeps and if you look for names of some of teh good clans watch how they play. It wont take you long until you dont stick out as a noob anymore
1 thing that annoys me more than n00bs (or even n00bs that won't listen) is people who, on a server with 4 ppl on shoot from half way line as soon as they get the ball cos there is no lame!!! i personally see 2v2 games as a great practice, and even with n00bs playing it can be fun...unless the above happens. How much are people improving thier skills by shooting at an empty goal from half way?? I asked the people in question to stop being lame...and they said..."u should have had a goalie then" ... ANNOYING LAMEASSES.
After glancing at each reply early morning, I get a feeling that american servers get a bad rep. Most of you people are from the european league, and all but a few don't play on our servers. 90% of the servers online on the europe side, consist of sprint. Firstly, I will not discuss sprint and how it suxs.
.m., you live in colorado, eh? well I live in ontario, canada. Anyways, I am apart of the V3 clan, which when we started became very cocky, being rude to anyone, noob or experienced players.
However, recently, after starting the new season in the league, we have changed. Recently we helped TFO rebuild and convince them not to quit the league.
.m., play on our server, its one of the more popular ones on the american side because of good pings, and if you see me play on the server, which I usually do, and if I see you, I would kindly help any noob to learn the basics. It only takes 10 mins to show new players what to do. I've done it numerous times.
The TFO clan can back me up on this, I am very helpful to any player who is starting out and trying to find their strengths in deathball. If I had access to my server for one day, and I mean the whole day, I could have a noob training period. But the drawbacks are that the server is usually being used for either league matches or baller games.
Before V3, I was basically a noob, that was a month and half ago, though I had the skills I have today then, a clan does help you get reconized in the db community.
Last edited by Fallen on 08-04-2003 12:14, edited 1 time in total.