Originally Posted by Unregistered
I found out the real Level81 solution!
Slow down the wav - reverse it and use the bass filter, so that you don´t hear the bass. Then change the file to a jpg and open it with imaging, PS or MSPaint. The jpg shows you the solution: riddlesend.htm
You get a page not found page, but
that should mislead you, its not a real 404, read the source of this fake 404 page! Just email "riddlesend.htm" to david (
davidm@deathball.net) and he replies that the answer is correct. Thats the ONLY way to get into the ranking!
he is correct i'm on the ranking and i made it. however i dont know why people post spoilers but since its out i'll confirm. unfortunatly i had to do the whole damn thing and game me headaches. but yes riddlesend.htm is what you want. that whole secret thing is to throw you off for cheating..he made that to catch cheaters. because going back thats not even the right folder the last one should be in, just email him with what he said and you shall be ranked congrats i think...
hehe i posted this.