so called pro's

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Post by Nero »

I've never seen a noob getting kicked out a server. Was it an American or an European server?
I'm German
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Post by Chrisfu »

You won't hear anyone from a respected clan beating down noobs. The most any of us tend to do is just give them a friendly teasing, which they usually see the funny side of.

Sometimes, you'll come across a "noob" that thinks they know it all straight away, and never listens to any advice. They're just ignored. At the end of the day I just don't see what the problem is. If you like the pubs, use them. If you don't, don't.

I certainly don't lose sleep over it.
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Post by Daverave29 »

No idea on the server Nero. Just went for one with players! lol

And I wont be losing any sleep over it, I just wont be playing.
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Post by diode »

I suppose the best thing to do to learn the volleys and such like is do like u would in soccer(i know it really footy, but americans read this :D ), practice by urself, bouncing the ball off the back wall and trying to volley the fecker, its prolly boring, but i bet most fotty pros did it as a kid to hone their skill.
And as for being a goalie, i aint got a clue, your just have to keep going and being laffed at!
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Post by GazMaN »

try 123/4 server , u wont b kicked off their for being new i know!!!

ill insult ya probably, but hey keep playing, cos 2 minutes l8r ill miss an easier sitter than you :)
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Post by Killing_U »

i admit to cursing off noobs all the time :devil: when i say u suck
that is my tactic to urge u to prove me wrong i want u to show me after a week of playing that u can kick my arse
this might not be the bst way but its how my father taught me and its always worked
stop bitching to us that we make fun of u :)
DvidM made trainingcourt for a fuckin reason u kno
lmao i cursed off an entire server full of noobs just 5 minutes ago
yet i am a noob mysefl but i kno what the fuck a voli is and it is due to my great ping of a minimum of 200