Vertical banashots? =p

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Post by Diab »

an upwards banana would go up IF there was LOTS of spin, as said look at bb bullets, but a ball the size of deatballs may not go upwards at all.

..anyway i think cracks when the ball hits the wall should come first >.> and make sure we see rubble!
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Post by R3L!K »

cosmetics > gameplay ?

:eek: :confused:
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Post by The_One »

Of course it is, just ask id.
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Post by CurvE »

Upwards and downwards spin is pretty much fucked up...

I mean, whyyy add this when what we have is perfect?

I bet a good 99% of the community has 1 wheel.... not 2...

When 99% of the commo has 2 wheels, then add shite for the second wheel...

And keep in mind... there is noobs in db... and im sure them seeing a ball defying gravity will so much as overwhelm them and lead them into thinking fuck mastering that... cant even master a wall-volley.. (altho they wouldnt say 'wall-volley' ...). would make things entierly fucked up.
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Post by f1end »

DavidM wrote: i had the idea, but you need a 2-axis wheel
and since this is not standard you can forget it
and using other keys but the wheel aint really good for the general handling. and if you have 2 types of banana you should have em on the same "controller", which could only be done with a 2-axis wheel (which actually) exists

I like this...finally something to use my 3d scrool-wheel for...
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Post by KoLdDoOm »

Idd... Carball uses a karma ball... Very good for chipping etc, but you woudn't need this for DB. I think DB would benefiet from upwards bananas.
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Post by Noko »

Ping pong balls are very smooth priior so no spin (low air resistance), you can manage a wierd bounce though (I think - long time since I played ping pong).
DavidM, in football/soccer, when you next see a keeper take a long range kick to say, midfield, watch the way the ball moves. Keepers will almost always put backspin on a ball, for two reasons;
He/she can pinpoint more accurately the player to pass to (no blocking from the opposition) and so that when the ball lands, the backspin prevents it from going much further (giving the passee a better chance of getting hold of the ball and controlling it).

A small experiment with spin, If you have a bouncy ball let it drop to the ground (on a smooth floor like tiles or lino, no carpet) with some backspin or topspin and watch the ball bounce back and forth, that is the spin.

Perhaps if you were to hit the ball whilst moving your cursor in a certain direction you could give the ball spin? So to give backspin, you would have to be moving your mouse downwards when you volley/release the ball? Or is that far to complicated to code? Just seems to make much more sense to me than pressing a button on your mouse that you might not even have...

I should sleep now, been thinking too much.
Last edited by Noko on 17-02-2005 04:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Onge »

I don't see the point of veritical spin. Let gravity deal with that sort of thing...
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Post by Inphidel »

you guy hold the gun wrong tbh :D
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Post by NeGyXo »

DavidM wrote: i had the idea, but you need a 2-axis wheel
i use q for left curve and e for right curve then mouse wheel would be perfect for up and down...
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Post by The_One »

or mouse 4 = up, mouse 5 = down.
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Post by Onge »

Or let's not bother.
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Post by fro »

nobody rebinds my mouse 5 and gets away with their fingers intact.
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Post by Sixty »

The last thing what db needs right now is another skill to master, wich will make the game even harder for new players.
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Post by Messy »

Noko wrote: Perhaps if you were to hit the ball whilst moving your cursor in a certain direction you could give the ball spin? So to give backspin, you would have to be moving your mouse downwards when you volley/release the ball? Or is that far to complicated to code? Just seems to make much more sense to me than pressing a button on your mouse that you might not even have...

imo :) wasn't that going to be implemented in 2.4? o: (holding rmb and moving, or shooting at a different point of the ball :o)