Gibball 2 Release Candidate 2

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Gibball 2 Release Candidate 2a

Post by EsorcismoNJD »


Ball Unusually Rocketing in a weird way should be fixed
Original gibbing sounds replaced
Fixed issue where alt-fire would not change "LastController"
Attempting to fix a few of the shield issues
Shield allowed time reduced to 1 second
Shield meter goes up at rate of 100% per second and goes down at rate of 20% per second

Changes (2a):
Shield meter goes down at rate of 40% per second

Gibball 2 RC2a Binaries

Please provide comments
Last edited by EsorcismoNJD on 25-01-2005 17:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by XiD »

couple of things. the shield works 100x better than last time (thank god, no "wtf why did i die" deaths), but i would suggest a slightly faster recharge rate. 5 seconds is just unreasonable in some of the hectic gameplay, and in my opinion a skilled player should be able to use it often enough to return volleys with another player, but not enough to newb cannon it. this will take some tweaking.

i would lessen the ball trail if possible. this might be in my own settings but not sure. I have a lot of trouble seeing the ball at certain angles.

fun stuff overall though, a good upgrade
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Me likey muchly :p, but I agree with XiD, please increase the recharge rate a little :).
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Post by SBS|DarkReaper »

if the shield works great now i might play gibball again..
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Post by Imaginos »

SBS|DarkReaper wrote: if the shield works great now i might play gibball again..

No. You had your chance to play it, so now it's too late for you. Your cd key is banned in the mod itself now.

ahhh.. j/k

edit: Oh, btw.. I'm upping it onto the BuD servers.. I'm slow, but I get it done..
Last edited by Imaginos on 25-01-2005 02:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

How's 2.5 seconds then? Bottom line I'm doing this is to avoid people who can shield fire kill, shield fire kill, etc etc... but if it gets unreasonable, again this is really pilot testing for community involvement. Glad I at least got that damn shield fixed... but is 2.5 seconds reasonable? Based on this request I will have a Gibball 2 RC2a released on or about 1/26/05

Thanks for your input

As for the trail, I have to think this is due to the ball model... but I'll look into it and see what I can do for an RC3 release.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Bottom line I'm doing this is to avoid people who can shield fire kill, shield fire kill
But... that's what makes the mod so much fun \o/
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Post by Inphidel »

Yeah gibball has alot to do with killing \o/

I'd love to see the the development of what me and cata had going with a different gibball alpha release.

where you score. the ball resets after a countdown, but players just keep playing in the meantime (no clock stop or gameplay stop)

this makes for some more fun style games. esp if the score is like 20-30 thats alot of time the game was stopped and restarted :)
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

That could be potential for issues... cause a team can just stack someone at center and just keep on scoring, right now I'd rather just stick on getting bugs and balances fixed for the most part... especially since we'll have to rewrite most stuff for 2.4 anyway

EDIT: RC2a released
Last edited by EsorcismoNJD on 25-01-2005 17:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

gj :) I'll try it out tomorrow and I'm sure I'll enjoy it ^_^

I <3 GB :o
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Post by Imaginos »

BuD servers updating again..
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Post by XiD »

the recharge is great, but i still feel that the keeper needs to have some extra advantage on defending his own net. maybe a shield twice or triple as long, but still decharges in the same time limit? a shield that covers the entire body? infinite shield? dunno, just throwing out ideas here.
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

That decision I shall leave to popular vote...

For the sake of consistency, why don't we call shield deaths overheating and call the meter going down as cooling... makes sense too in a way.


* 5-10 second delay on respawn after shield overheat
* More shield improvements including increasing shield radius
* Lessen the ball trail
* Check for and fix last ball controller bugs if they still exist (weren't working in RC1, fix hasn't been confirmed working or not working for RC2) [This was most apparent when a person scored by pushing the ball with his or her shield]
Last edited by EsorcismoNJD on 28-01-2005 05:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Err, pushing the ball forward with your shield is actually a pretty important part of GB gameplay x_X

It wasn't added for no reason tbh.
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Post by EsorcismoNJD »

I changed the grammar of the last item...

I was the one that actually added the ball pushing ability as it was not apparent in the original closed beta of GB2, and I'm not removing it either, there was just a problem where a person would push a ball into the goal and it'd credit the one who touched it before him or her... hoping I fixed that naughty little issue