Is DB_SmallCube too Dark ?

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Is DB_SmallCube too fucking dark?

Too dark
Its a little dark but it fits with the theme
Its Ok
Too bright
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Is DB_SmallCube too Dark ?

Post by mpratt »

I think it is way too fucking dark, am I alone or what?
Last edited by mpratt on 09-01-2005 01:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Da Spadger
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Post by Da Spadger »

Vote: Its ok.
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Post by fro »

i think the lighting is ok, but im used to d3editing so its really bright in comparison.

its harder to see the players now that the models dont have the big white tshirt on tho.
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Post by mpratt »

Here is our new version of IcdeDemon, anyone think its too bright?


Last edited by mpratt on 09-01-2005 01:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Da Spadger
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Post by Da Spadger »

Nope, i think it's too dark.

EDIT: Just wanted to make sure that i meant the new version of icedemon. Smallcube is fine. :eek:
Last edited by Da Spadger on 09-01-2005 02:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by speedy »

smallcube isn't too dark. :p
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Post by Scotteh »

the new icedemon looks darker than the current smallcube to me :eek:
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Post by priior »

tricky question cuz each person runs ut at a different gamma..

i run mine at 1.3

i find the current smallcube slightly dark...

as a general rule.. dark is nice.. cuz it makes seeing the ball easy... but as mentioned above.. now that we have darker skins...
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Post by METAFrank »

IMHO Tribun, November and SC, Bowl and Hole are the only maps that are NOT too bright and gay... but priior is right, it has to do with the gamma
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Post by Onge »

Smallcube is fine.

The new IceDemon looks waaaay too dark.
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Post by R3L!K »

i find blocko too bright....

the ice demon pic above, seems darker than the current ice demon.

the current smallcube is fine imo
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Post by fro »

and while we are editing maps, could someone (ill do it if noone else has time) add a blocking volume to stop people running around the top of blocko?

The new fun greifing trick is to hold the ball up there, essentially ruining the game for anyone else on the server (note: public).

icedemon looks too dark there, needs about another 5-10 brightness points near the goal.
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Post by `Ghost` »

fro wrote: and while we are editing maps, could someone (ill do it if noone else has time) add a blocking volume to stop people running around the top of blocko?

I'll hold him! some one deck him :p

-edit- in relation to topic I cant really give an opinion, my brightness/gamma settings are kind of high \o/ im blind
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Post by Onge »

fro wrote: and while we are editing maps, could someone (ill do it if noone else has time) add a blocking volume to stop people running around the top of blocko?

Correct. And do the same so if you leave the table in Greenbaize you die. Too many seem to think jumping on the skeletons is more fun than playing the map...
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Post by Goldeneye »

sc is ok,
id too dark - also with it being an indoor stadium you would rather expect it to have some more balanced light, and not some bright and some dark spots