about the lb posts in general discussion

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Post by priior »

*clap clap*
good times
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Post by devnull »

Im not sure why we split but we did....I believe its the whole na servers netspliting from the euro servers every 10 mins that did it or so i remember
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Post by Maelstrom`` »

How does a few threads offend you when you take in consideration all of the crap that happens everyday on these boards? I mean, come on, like Cor said it was late at night and Larry was being his usual douche and he made a post or something I don't really remember, so we all jumped on the bandwagon and imitated him. We kinda related this to what happened between you and Briley because he was also on IRC at the time... but to tell you the truth, none of us really knew what happened so it was just voicing out for the hell of it.

And what's up with Xid? Trying to find new friends or something? Heh... whatever floats your boat, man.

And for fuck's sake, please don't be like ''N/A DB PLAYERS ARE ASSES!!! ROFLE!'' when most of YOU, considered the European DB players, are alot more childish and disrepectful than we are. Just reading through these boards gives me a headache.
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Post by speedy »

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Post by CorDawg- »

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Post by Messy »

Euros suck ffs.

*takes the boat*

*ends up in India* /o\
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Post by XiD »

mael, i'm flattered that you include me in your one and only post on db net <3 but no, i'm just getting tired of the stereotypes that fly back and forth.
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Post by InSaNe` »

DavidM wrote: unfortunately it were way more than LB
cordawg who i considered a good guy so far did just the same shit
so did mael and some others.
I know not all over there are so, but a scaringly big part is!

I know whenever I join a NA irc channel all go "oh no fuck off davidm asshole" and I leave.
Then i get the blame for not caring about the NA community (who splits itself off from us anyway)
We have NO euro community or channels here. Its general stuff.

When's the last time you came into our channels?

I think you came in a year back or something.. Briley hangs out at #dbmixer whenever he can and we have a great time talking about DB and his accomplishments with the skins :D

We separate ourselves from you guys? Don't give me that bullshit many of us hang out in #dbpickup whenever we can and many of you hang out in #dbmixer, the Euro and NA community is alot more joined than before.