New models are good, but...

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Post by [1234]Jr »

Prisoner: "It wasnt me, Mr Hoppy did it!"

Guard: "Remember what the psychiatric nurse told you?"

Prisoner: "yeeeah"

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Post by theberkin8or »

messy btw there are a number of different forms of Schizophrenia and not all of them include delusions or hallucinations. I believe that in about 20 years we will differenate schizophrenia into around 5 different mental disorders. There is much more to schizophrenia than you can learn in A Beautiful Mind :-p

But actually he could be paranod schizophtrenic ;)
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Post by InSaNe` »

I want the UT2k4 skins :(

I like these skins but the UT2k4 skins just pwn imo.
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Post by DavidM »

IchbinderPeter wrote: uhm... just installed 2.3 and noticed that something is wrong with the models. it seems they have the wrong texture, they have a big eye on their chest, always starring at me. any ideas whats wrong?

that happens when you royally fuck up the installation!
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Post by Messy »

Sounds pretty cool to me though.

..big eye :o

Deathball = possessed!
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Post by Cenotaph »

Messy wrote: It's called paranoia ;p

Schizophrenia is where people live in a state of psychosis and create fictional external entities.

It's often confused with multiple personality syndrome, but hardly ever with paranoia ;p

..tsk, tsk.

I know what schizophrenia is... I know two ppl that have it, and in many cases it can cause ppl to be paranoic...

not that it matters really :)
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Post by R3L!K »

i hear long term cannabis smokers have a statistically higher chance of schizophrenia than non smokers. (Not sure if a link has been physiologically proven)

Too much cannabis in a night can cause some people to get paranoid.

So maybe theres a link?
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Post by Cenotaph »

well, one of the ppl i mentioned has actually drug addiction problems.
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Post by R3L!K »

same here, i have a close friend who has had a number of very serious 'episodes - he' almost got kicked out of college

the problems all started with drugs. it wasnt just schizophrenia, he had a god complex too (not a good thing in a medical student - think you need to be a consultant first :p)
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Post by sergeantduke »

What's a 'god complex' and what is 'cannabis'? I don't do drugs, nor do I hang around people who do drugs, so I wouldn't know.