Attn: Map authors

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Attn: Map authors

Post by Imaginos »

Hi all!

Wanted to first say that on behalf of the community, we all appreciate the hard work you guys put into the maps and sharing them with us all to play on. The BuD servers are always available to host anyone's new creations for playtesting.

What I want to call your attention to is version naming and availability of your maps on redirects.

Recently, the BuD servers, and pretty much the rest of the NA community have had to find a new redirect home (we now use this: ) after the sale of Nuttyservers to a new owner. Previously, we enjoyed the outstanding admin support of Psyche and had had near total admin control over the redirect ftp to do our own housekeeping. Today, we've completed a switchover to the ut2004 redirect on and don't have any of the privilages we've grown accustomed to. In fact, we're limited to uploading only via this url: ftp://upload:upload@redirect.gameserver ... nament2004 and then we email support to have any file maintenance done. Slow, but livable if we manage it properly.

Where do you guys come in? Right here. We need the map author's help in keeping things straight. Filenames should reflect the current revision if it is re-released with fixes. DB-1on1_gaga and DB-Ocean are examples that are causing a problems with version mismatches lately.

The other thing we could use a hand with is if *everybody* gets together to use the redirect, map authors could make it VERY easy for all of us admins if they would upload the uz2 compressed map and any supporting files if need be to the redirect. It would also be cool if authors verify that the version ON the redirect is the current release. If not, emailing support at with a request to delete it is required.

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Post by sergeantduke »

Alright, I've got a few questions. How do I uz2 compress files? Do I need to specify which directory they go in? And, how do I upload to the redirect?
Edit: Thanks \o/
Last edited by sergeantduke on 09-11-2004 05:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Imaginos »

Here's the skinny.. upload using this link with whatever ftp client you like. It's an ftp site.

ftp://upload:upload@redirect.gameserver ... nament2004

To compress your map, the simple way is to use UT2004 to do it with the commandline

ucc compress DB-Mapname.ut2

the end result will be a file called DB-Mapname.ut2.uz2 which is the file you would want to upload to the redirect.

As an alternative, you might want to try a gui tool such as ut2003compress which makes the task easier for those that aren't comfy with the commandline.
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Post by StRaFe »

Np. you saw the effort i made eh?
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Post by sergeantduke »

I successfully uz2 compressed my files, but I possess no knowledge of FTP. I tried two clients (SmartFTP and FireFTP), but was unable to connect. Please forgive my ignorance.
Edit: Thanks
Last edited by sergeantduke on 10-11-2004 04:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Imaginos »

Using the ftp client of your choice, connect to:

The upload directory for UT2004 maps is: /unrealtournament2004

The username/password is: upload / upload