Bush is Re-elected as Kerry Concedes

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Post by Dirt »

Sixty wrote: Hiroshima, Nagasaki.

Please don't act like 1 terrorist attack is THE biggest attack the world has EVER witnessed.

Just because it was aimed at your country, doesn't make it any worse than all the other ones.


Oh and btw, Madrid, Spain.

Think about it.

Are you fucking retarded? Hiroshima and Nagasaki we're not terrorist attacks. Jesus christ how dumb are you.
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Post by giber »

Sixty wrote: Hiroshima, Nagasaki.

Please don't act like 1 terrorist attack is THE biggest attack the world has EVER witnessed.

Just because it was aimed at your country, doesn't make it any worse than all the other ones.


Oh and btw, Madrid, Spain.

Think about it.

Ding ding ding, we have the winner of dumbest reply ever.
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Post by Dirt »

There have been serveral stupid posts on this forum, but that tops them all. I think people arguing from both sides can validate that.
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Post by Capital_G »

Proves that americans are dumb, Don't even want to quote it....

I mean, jesus.
If he did mean biggest terrorist attack, then this thread is not a valid response, and you should all act like it's not here.
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Post by Sixty »

I never said it was a damn terrorist attack, although I admit it does look like it. My excuses for that.

My point was that you were going on about how it is an 'attack on freedom' if your country gets attacked, and that they have no right to kill so many people. That's where I wanted it to compare with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the US took thousands/millions of innocent lives.
Last edited by Sixty on 05-11-2004 22:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Dirt wrote: When someone goes to work on a Tuesday morning after dropping off their kids at a daycare only to be killed in a planned attack on your work office. Your freedom is attacked.

If you are taking a family vacation to see your grandparents on your son's 6th birthday, and your plane gets hijacked and slammed into a building. Your freedom is attacked.

Aww don't get emotional on me :)
People die.
Children die.
Yes..little babies die.
Think of the saddest thing that can ever happen.
It's happened at least once.

Don't think you can impress me with it.
Dirt wrote: When people are no longer safe at work at are only safe at home without the freedom to go to work, or can't get on a plane and take a vacation how can you say it hasn't been attacked.

One incident in one place is not immediately a consequent rule all over the world in all situations.

Don't rip it totally out of context, no matter how much harm it has done or how serious it was.
Dirt wrote: So excuse us if we are trying to better ourselves by taking Sadam out of Iraq to stop as much terrorism as possible.

Weren't you talking about 9/11? o_O

Stop mixing these things up!

Saddam had nothing to do with your example, these things are totally irrelevant other than the fact that Saddam and the Taliban or whoever did it, are terrorists.

Nothing more.

The rest of it is just totally laughable because of that mistake.

Not quite owned, and I don't quite care :)

You live in ignorance all you want, the problem is that the US are dragging us down with them.
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Post by Dirt »

It was war. In war people don't expect to have freedom. Don't get me started on one American bomb that ruined tons of japaneese freedom's. Do you have any idea how many thousands of people that were killed by the hands of Germany, Britain, Spain, China during the war. That's why its called a World War. War is declared on countries and both counties know its comming (usually). When an organization of men get together and ram planes into buildings, its a little different. Beside the fact you all forget again how America got involved in World War II anyway. We had not declared war and didn't want anything to do with it until America was attacked at Pearl Harbor. So when someone stated earlier that America joined for brownie points, they are dead wrong. In fact, that is a close runner up statement to the dumbest reply ever on this thread.
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Post by Messy »

Sixty wrote: I never said it was a damn terrorist attack, although I admit it does look like it. My excuses for that.

My point was that you were going on about how it is an 'attack on freedom' if your country gets attacked, and that they have no right to kill so many people. That's where I wanted it to compare with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the US took thousands/millions of innocent lives.

Actually, seeing as the Japanese would have never given up otherwise, the loss of those cities and the people that lived in it, is nothing compaired to the losses that could have been made if those cities hadn't been bombed :)

ps: living in a war meaning you don't 'expect freedom' is bullshit :x
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Post by Dirt »

Messy wrote: Aww don't get emotional on me :)
People die.
Children die.
Yes..little babies die.
Think of the saddest thing that can ever happen.
It's happened at least once.

Don't think you can impress me with it.

One incident in one place is not immediately a consequent rule all over the world in all situations.

Don't rip it totally out of context, no matter how much harm it has done or how serious it was.

Weren't you talking about 9/11? o_O

Stop mixing these things up!

Saddam had nothing to do with your example, these things are totally irrelevant other than the fact that Saddam and the Taliban or whoever did it, are terrorists.

Nothing more.

The rest of it is just totally laughable because of that mistake.

Not quite owned, and I don't quite care :)

You live in ignorance all you want, the problem is that the US are dragging us down with them.

I am responding to your points. You seem to be facinated why we are in Iraq so I have explained it to you. I'm sorry you can't put 1 and 1 together.

America is not going down, so do more research and take a couple economic classes and you'll find that out for yourself. Your only source of what is taking place over here is through the media which expand truths and falses to attract people to watch.
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Post by Sixty »

Oh please, so when you officially declare a war to a country, you are allowed to kill tons of innocent people?

Then it must be oke that they flew planes into the WTC, because the CIA had made a report a few months ago. The title of the report was something along the lines of 'Bin Laden is planning to attack the US by hijacking planes'. So you could have seen it coming too.

Does that make it right? No.
Last edited by Sixty on 05-11-2004 22:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Dirt wrote: We had not declared war and didn't want anything to do with it until America was attacked at Pearl Harbor.

Actually, it's common knowledge that your prezzy wanted the war, and just needed the people convinced :)

The whole Pearl Harbor incident was quite fortunate in that case.

Some even say it's set up ;)
Although I don't believe in such conspiracy theories :)

Dirt wrote: I am responding to your points. You seem to be facinated why we are in Iraq so I have explained it to you. I'm sorry you can't put 1 and 1 together.

America is not going down, so do more research and take a couple economic classes and you'll find that out for yourself. Your only source of what is taking place over here is through the media which expand truths and falses to attract people to watch.

Well obviously your explanation made even less sense than your president's.

As for the economic classes and the statement of america 'going down'...if you're going to make this a lame 1on1 discussion, at least remember the things I said, and not what others said :)
Last edited by Messy on 05-11-2004 22:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dirt »

Sixty wrote: Oh please, so when you officially declare a war to a country, you are allowed to kill tons of innocent people?

Then it must be oke that they flew planes into the WTC, because the CIA had made a report a few months ago. The title of the report was something along the lines of 'Bin Laden is planning to attack the US by hijacking planes'. So you could have seen it coming too.

Does that make it right? No.

Those are again, media spins that Eurpeon countries like to believe are true. I never said declaring war allows you to kill thousands of people. I am just stating that in a state of war, deaths will occur. They wouldn't call it war if it wasn't true. All I was trying to explain was that when war is declared, you expect to fight and expect there to be deaths.
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Post by Dirt »

Messy wrote: Actually, it's common knowledge that your prezzy wanted the war, and just needed the people convinced :)

The whole Pearl Harbor incident was quite fortunate in that case.

Some even say it's set up ;)
Although I don't believe in such conspiracy theories :)


Well obviously your explanation made even less sense than your president's.

As for the economic classes and the statement of america 'going down'...if you're going to make this a lame 1on1 discussion, at least remember the things I said, and not what others said :)

I get confused as to which person is talking. You too both talk out your ass like you know what your talking about and tis hard to keep up with all the bullshit.
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Post by Messy »

Dirt wrote: Those are again, media spins that Eurpeon countries like to believe are true.

Countries don't have opinions, as much as Americans like to think so :)

It's people that have opinions and choose to believe things.

It's people that doublepost, too.
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Post by Sixty »

Dirt wrote: I get confused as to which person is talking. You too both talk out your ass like you know what your talking about and tis hard to keep up with all the bullshit.

Well, thanks for prooving you are unable to have a decent discussion.

ps. I haven't said anything about the US economy. :) You're just making a fool out of yourself.